Ten years later, age 18
Over the years you and Revali grew more distant. From seeing each other daily, it was now twice a month. You were still friends but it was not the same anymore. He changed and talked almost only about his training and how good he was. You were thankful to see him from time to time but it was enough.
Monster and their attacks also increased all over Hyrule. One day your father was up in Tabantha Village to look after the people there and a Hinox appeared. He was alone and was not able to get some help, so he had to fight that beast alone. It was a rough fight and the Hinox was injured, just like your father.
At a time, the Hinox left the Village and your father, almost lifeless, managed to carry himself to the Rito Stable, where he collapsed. His body was wounded everywhere and he lost a lot of blood. The guard from the first bridge, which leads to Rito Village, hurried over. "What happened!?" He asked your father. The only thing your father was able to reply was "Hinox." Afther that, he made his last breath.
You came home from training and saw a lot of people in your hut. 'What's going on?' you asked yourself and as soon as you entered you saw your mother crying and sobbing. "Mom, what happened?" Your mother, not able to talk properly, whispered: "Your father died after a Hinox attack."
You felt your face went pale and an instant sickness in your stomach. The Ritos around you just looked at you pitiful. With your legs going weak you fell to your knees and clutched your wings to your face. Tears started rolling down your face and you began crying and sobbing like your mother.
The whole hut was quiet, the only thing that was audible, was the crying from the two of you. Suddenly you felt two strong wings from behind you, wrapping your body. A familiar voice said: "Please leave them alone and give them some time. I will take care of them." You did not have to turn around to know who it was.
Revali lifted you up and turned you around, so you can face him. You saw his mother next to your mother, comforting her. You looked back to Revali, who had the same expression on his face, when his own father died. He pulled you closer and gave you a long and strong hug. One, you needed so badly. In his wings, you felt safe like never before.
He and his mother stayed with you the whole night. None of you talked much but it was good to know, you were not alone. The next morning they left to give you some space but Revali promised to take care of you.
Some weeks went by and he kept his promise. After his training, he came to you and was there until you went to bed and in the mornings, he made you breakfast before you woke up. He made sure you were never alone. In this time he was like before the whole Calamity thing, sweet, caring and a real friend. As sad as the reason is, maybe your friendship needed this incident.
"Thank you, Revali. Thank you for everything you have done the past weeks. I do not know what I would do without you. I really missed you, you know. I missed my best friend and it is nice to see you are still here." He gave you a plate with your breakfast on it and sat down.
"I know I was not a good friend the past years. My training is really taking a lot of time but I want you to know I am always here for you when you need me. Now that you are doing better, what are your plans? Do you still want to be a warrior?"
You closed your eyes and sighed heavily. "Yes. I still want to be a warrior. I am going to train harder than ever before and one day, when the time is right, I am going to find that Hinox and kill him with my spear right in his eye. I will avenge my father."
"Geez, (Y/N). You are giving some real psychopath vibes. I understand you want to avenge him but your wish to become a warrior just to kill someone or something is not ok." "You are right, I am sorry. I did not meant it like that. I just want to make sure that no one of my beloved ones is going to be injured by a monster as long I am here."
He chuckled. "This sounds much better. Let's go to training now. If you do not need me anymore I would like to go home after training today. I know how it feels to lose the own father and I wanted to make sure you are ok. Now I think the time is right to leave you to your own tasks again."
You gave him a big hug and a kiss upon his cheek. "Yes, it is ok Revali. Thank you again." Luckily, you couldn't see the blush on his cheeks.

War & Love - Revali x Reader
FanfictionRevali's arrogant behavior annoys everyone. It's true that he's the best archer, but still, he can't act like that. An impending war and a confession change him. Does he still get the chance for friendship or even love? Story takes place in the Univ...