A week later, for the next meeting you were waiting for Revali to start the meeting. You have not seen him for the whole week but you assumed he is going to show up at least for today. 'Ok, if he does not want to show up I will do it by myself. But he should take this more serious' you thought.You explained the Captains again your new tactic without interruptions. Luckily, they all agreed with you. Not that you need their permission but it makes everything easier. After the meeting, you went back and asked one of the Village guards if they have seen Revali.
"Yes, there was a Hinox attack at Tabantha Village and he went to fight it. He said he wanted to go alone." The blood in your face drained. This was exactly what caused your father's death. "And you let him go?! He cannot fight this beast alone. Inform the Captains immediately and let them help to guard you guys. If there is more than one attack we would be ready!"
As fast as you could you flew towards Tabantha Village. 'Oh Hylia, please let him be alive. This cannot happen again' you thought. The nearer you came to the Village, the more it was difficult to see anything because of the snowstorm.
'What is this black spot there? Is this the Hinox?' You flew over there and saw Revali shooting bomb arrows. The way he was flying and shooting, you could see he was exhausted. You took your spear between your talons and aimed for the big, round eye.
But the Hinox moved and you did not catch the eye. Instead you catched it's shoulder. This was the time Revali noticed you. "What are you doing here? Go home and let me do my job!" He yelled. "I am not leaving you! You know exactly this is a sensitive subject to me. If you like it or not I am helping you so stop being so stubborn" You yelled back over the storm.
A strong wind brought Revali off course. You looked over to him and did not notice the Hinox taking a tree trunk. "Watch out!" Revali yelled again and flew over to you as fast as he could. Then it happened.... he pushed you away in midair and the tree trunk hit him hard.
Revali was smashed to the icy floor and he did not move anymore. "Nooooo!!" Tears were stinging your eyes and they felt hot while running down your face. Fear was filling your body but it soon became rage. "You..." you turned to the Hinox. "You are going to pay for this with your life!"
The rage inside you made you powerfull like never before. You took your spear an attacked the Hinox with so much speed and precision. Since Revali weakened the beast, it was easier for you to finish the job. With every hit you made, the Hinox screeched out in pain.
Now was the time for your final attack. This time you won't miss the eye. You took your spear again between your talons and aimed for its eye. The Hinox tried to cover it with his hands but you were faster. The tip of your spear pierced through the soft eye and damaged the brain at the same time. The Hinox was done.
It collapsed and turned black, before puffing into purple smoke. As you landed, you fell to your knees, still crying and breathing hard. 'I made it. I finally avenged my father. All these years of hard training paid off and Revali was part of it. Oh no, Revali! Please Hylia, please let him be ok.'
You ran over to Revali and ckecked on him. He was still breathing but he was unconscious. He had some scratches and were bleeding light but as much as you could see, there was no heavy damage. 'I have to take him to his flight range, there he can rest.' Somehow, you took his bow on your back and grabbed him with your talons.
But to be honest, he was quite heavy. It took you double the time to the flight range than it was supposed to be. When you arrived there, you carefully laid him down and made a fire for him, to be warm. You even found a blanket and covered him with it.
"Do not worry, I am staying with you as much as I can." It was weird talking to yourself but somehow you hoped he could hear you. Or maybe it was better if he does not. You two were still on bad terms and you were sure he would not accept you to take care of him.
You had an innerconflict now. At one hand, you want to take care of your friend. On the other,he is not your friend anymore and he made clear you were in his way. There mustbe a solution for this. But first, you have to tell his mother what happened.

War & Love - Revali x Reader
FanficRevali's arrogant behavior annoys everyone. It's true that he's the best archer, but still, he can't act like that. An impending war and a confession change him. Does he still get the chance for friendship or even love? Story takes place in the Univ...