Chapter 19

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After your fight and break up with Kent you went to the flight range. You did not know why you went there but it just felt right. Revali was not there so you were all alone with your thoughts. 'Who does he think he is? To forbid me to see my friends. Pfff... I never thought he was one of them. He was so sweet at the beginning and just because he is jealous, he is showing his worst side. Was I wrong to break up? Maybe we should have talked about it. On the other hand is better this way. When he is forbidding me something in the beginning of our relationship it will only get worse with time.'

You sat there for hours and even drifted to sleep. "Hey (Y/N)... what are you doing here?" You heard someone asking while being half asleep. "Leave me alone" you answered. "(Y/N) wake up, talk to me." As you were opening your eyes you could see Revali standing above you. You blinked your eyes a couple of times before you realized what happened. "Oh sorry Revali, I must have fell asleep. I will leave you now so you can practice."

He grabbed your wing and asked you: "Are you alright? You seem a little worn out." A soft smile came to your beak. "Yes I am alright. Just a little tired, do not worry about it. While you are here, do you have any new orders from the Castle?" You asked him, trying to change the subject. To your surprise, it worked.

"It is not a new order but the other Champions and I will meet there in some days. We want to discuss our further plans with Zelda. I am curious what our next steps will be and hopefully those Yiga Bastards are not going to interrupt our plans again." "It is just a guess but as long as they are not completely defeated or on our side, they are going to interrupt as much as they can." Ok, thank you for the information. I will leave you now. Good luck on your training, which you do not need, Rito Champion" you winked and left him.

A couple of days later, Revali came back from his meeting at the Castle and was looking for you. He found you at the Rito Stable, talking to the owner. He waited patiently for you to finish, which luckily did not take long. "Hey Revali, are you done with your meeting? Do you have some exiting news?" you asked him. "Actually I have, come with me" he directed you away from the stable, to talk to you in private.

"We have a new mission for tomorrow but it is only us Champions and the Hylian army. Thanks to the Sheikah Towers there is a  map of Hyrule on the Sheikah Slate and the scientist found the Yiga's hideout. We are going to beat them in their own home. Urbosa is going to attack with Naboris, to clear the path and the rest of us will attack from inside." he smiled brightly.

"Those are good news and I know you are exited but your smile is suspicious" you smirked. "That is because I am going to beat a lot of asses there. Nobody can avoid me, they are going to wish they never crossed my path!" He tried to sound malicious but it only made you laughing out loud. "The malicious sound does not suit you. Just be careful out there. You do not know what kind of weapons they have."

"Of course. You would be doomed without me" he said playfully. "Yes, sure. What would I do without you..."

Days passed and the invasion of the hideout ended. The whole army awaited Revali for his report. "Thank you for coming on such short notice" you said to your army. Revali has just arrived and wanted to tell us about the mission." You showed Revali with your wing to stand beside you.

"The first part of our mission went pretty smoothe. Urbosa was able to clear the path to the Yiga's hidoute without any problems, despite all the enemies. Inside the hideout was a total mess. Yiga's, the Hylian army and us Champions fought hard. A Gerudo scout was captured and we had to free her but in the end it all paid of. We came to the place where their leader, Kohga, hid. Again we fought with full force against them. Beside Kohga and his foot soldiers, there was the second in command, Sooga. I have to admit he is a good warrior with incredible powers but he is nothing against us. After the fight was almost over, Kohga ordered everyone to flee. Such a coward...."

"Thanks Revali, it seems you had a pretty interesting battle there. If we do not have other orders from the Castle..." you looked at him questioningly and he shook his head, "you are all dismissed. See you soon at our next meeting."

A week later, Zelda went to the Spring of Courage but had no luck awakening her powers. Monster attacked her, Link and Impa, who accompanied her. They barely made it out of that forest. In five days from now on, was Zelda's 17th Birthday. The Calamity was almost here...

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