Chapter 12

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Late in the evening, you arrived at Hyrule Castle. The King was delighted to hear, you found the hero. He gave you all new instructions and told you, to stay the Castle for the night. You were exhausted and were very happy you could stay here. But there was also a downside: You had to share a room with Revali!

You were already in bed but Revali decided to go for a walk. 'Is he avoiding me?' You wanted to wait for him but you were not able to keep your eyes open anymore. After what felt short amount of sleep you heard the door open and someone coming into your room. "Revali?" You asked groggily and sat up in your bed. "Yes it is me. Go continue your sleep" he said depressed.

Somehow, his voice sounded calm "Where were you?" He sat down on his bed. "I had to clear my mind." His answer was short but it seemed different from usual. This was the first time, for a long time now, he was not angry or arrogant towards you. "Is everything ok? You seemed angry when you came out of the forest and you did not say much the whole evening."

"It is not your business, ok?! Just let me sleep now, I am tired." He laid into bed and pulled the blanked over him. 'There he is again. For a second I hoped he changed' you thought. But enough was enough. "You know what Revali? I have enough of your behavior. Despite everything, I tried to be nice and wanted to talk to you but I am so tired of you. But it is ok, in contrast to you I have enough people to talk about everything. You only have your mother. Think about it! Good night!"

"Oh, boo-hoo I am so alone" he said sarcastically and made fun of it. "Do you mean Kent with other people? Are you going to tell Kent again what happened?" You blinked a couple of times. "What has Kent to do with all that?" "I know you two are dating." Suddenly you started laughing. "So what? Are you jealous?"

What?!" Revali almost shouted. "Why should I be jealous of him? He has nothing I do not have as well. And I am a Champion, he is only a Captain." He crossed his wings and looked away from you. "Did you forget we were Captains too? It was not even that long ago. And you know, being a Captain is a very good job. Shame on you, Revali! To think he is something lower just because he is no Champion or General!"

You were so angry right now, you just laid down in your bed and wanted to have your peace. 'What is he thinking? He was so happy when he was promoted to a Captain and now he think he is better than they are.' You calmed down and soon, you drifted into sleep again.

The next morning, after eating breakfast, you went home. Revali left before you woke up and you were not sad about it. Just as you arrived at Rito Village, you saw Kent. "Hey (Y/N), did you guys had luck with your mission yesterday?" he asked. "Actually yes, we found our hero" you smiled at him.

"These are good news! With every step we are better prepared. Who is it?" You chuckled. "Believe it or not but our hero was right in front of our eyes the whole time." "Oh, please Hylia, do not tell me it is Revali!" The two of you started laughing out loud. "Hahaha no, thank Hylia he is not! It is Link, Princess Zelda's personal knight."

"The personal knight is a Champion now, this sounds like a fairy tale. I am happy we have now almost all pieces to defeat the Calamity. Only the sealing power is now missing." He said and you thought about Zelda's expression yesterday. "She looked sad when they came out of the forest. It must be hard to be the last missing piece as a Princess. Revali looked angry too but he did not want to tell me what was going on."

"You really asked him? Did he yell at you again?" You looked down to the floor. "There is something I have to tell you. The King offered the whole group to sleep at the Castle because it was already late and we all agreed. What I did not know is that I had to share a room with Revali. He was not in the room when I fell asleep and when he came back we had a fight again."

Kent hugged you. "I am not happy about the fact you two shared a room but I know this is only because of your business. Thank you for telling me the truth. And as for Revali, he will better be nice to you or I will teach him a lesson." "Thank you, Kent" you giggled and kissed him.

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