Chapter 22

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Revali introduced you all to Teba and told you how he travelled through time. The same happened to Urbosa and Riju, the young Gerudo you saw earlier. After Link, Zelda and Impa left for eastern Hyrule, you gathered your army and prepared for the next step. You decided it is best for three quarters to spread across the western side of Hyrule, while one quarter of your army are going to help the others. The Zora's and Goron's had their own army so it won't be necessary to send your whole army there.

"Hey (Y/N), can we talk in private?" Revali asked. You nodded and wondered what he wanted to talk about. You two flew up to one of the tall flat trees, which looked like a mushroom. "Are you ok? You seem exhausted and you should rest a little before we go to help the others." you said.

Revali's p.o.v.

Before Teba arrived I thought my life will come to an end. To be honest, I was ok with that. I knew the possibility of dying was high, when I agreed to be a Champion. But everything I could think about was (Y/N). I will never see her again and the only regret I had was not to talk to her for so many years. Now when I think about it how much she means to me, there is only one explanation. I love her. She is the one who makes me a better person and I have to tell her that before it could be too late. I do not care if she is with Kent, she just needs to know how I truly feel. This is all I want.

No one's p.o.v.

"There is something I have to tell you. It could end everything between us but I am not sure if there will be another chance to tell you all this. Earlier, when this Windblight attacked me I almost died and already saw my whole life in front of my eyes. But I only had one thought and that was you." he sighed deeply. You were silently listening to him as he continued.

"I love you (Y/N) and I would do anything to make you happy. I would even give up my title as Champion and never touch a bow again only to hear your laugh and see your beautiful face for the rest of my life. And maybe one day, if things with Kent are not going to work out, I will be lucky enough and can call you mine." he paused and looked at you. You did not know what to do, your heart wanted to burst out of your chest.

You launched forward, swung your wings around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss. It felt so right and you could not believe you were happy enough, he shared your feelings. Without hesitation, he squeezed you tightly and he returned the kiss just as passionate as you. Some moments later, you two broke apart but were still holding hands. "I love you too Revali." "What does that mean now? What about Kent?" he asked you. You smirked and replied with a sweet voice: "We are not together anymore and I am glad about it. Otherwise I could not kiss you and be yours."

Revali let out a hearty laugh, took you by your hips and twirled you around. When he put you down his smile faded a little. "But why did you not tell me and what happened between the two of you?" You sighed and remembered the moment of your break up. "To be honest, you were part of the reason we broke up. It was the day we came back from the Castle. I told him about our mission and what a lovely evening we had. He got jealous and tried to forbid me to see you. This is when I decided to break up. And I am sorry for not telling you sooner but I had other things to do, you know, the war."

As you were standing there, the sun begun to rise and the sight was magical. "Revali, you know what our relationship means now? You are not going to be a Champion anymore and your archery career is over. You said it yourself, you would do it just to be with me." Your face was dead serious. "What? But (Y/N) are you sure you want this? I mean, I would do it of course but is there really no way to continue my career?" he asked you with some anxiety in his eyes.

Then you started laughing out loud. "Just kidding. I would never ask you to do this. Besides, I would have to endure your whining and it would make me crazy" you giggled. "Let's finish our jobs first and after that we can focus on us. We should leave soon and find the other Champions" He nodded in agreement and gave you one last kiss before you left.

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