Chapter 3

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Justin's POV:

"You know even after all these years I only wanted it with you" I slowly raised my head unsure what I will see in Selena's eyes

"I don't get it. What did you want with me?" She asked and I knew that is only because she wanted to hear it fully coming from me. I don't blame her. I was always the one who was bad with communicating.

"You are the only one I could imagine having kids with... being with in long run. It was always you." I said last part more for myself then for her to hear.

She didn't say anything. She didn't even look at me so I continue.

"When... when I read about baby I lost it completely. I wanted to come to talk to you sooner. I wanted to say I'm sorry and to ask for forgiveness. But I was scared. I was scared and I still am. Why? Because you are an amazing woman. I was scared to look in your eyes and see the pain and hurt and what I was most scared to see was hatred... hatred towards me. I know I deserve all the bad and that I don't deserve to sit here and waist you time but I'm sorry Selena. I'm so sorry." My voice cracked and I didn't realized how hard it is for me to finally fully accept my mistakes. And to be honest one of the biggest ones was losing her all these years ago.

"Please, please if you could ever forgive me please do." Words spilled from my mouth. My voice almost not able to be heard.

After she didn't say anything I stated getting up. I know she will never forgive me. And why would she I was total asshole

"Don't run again..." I heard her say. In that very moment my heart broke into million pieces. I remembered our last conversation 4 years ago.


It was beginning of September. To be exact 2nd of September. I was on top of the world in that time not caring about anything then the girl I woke up next to every morning. I opened my eyes smiling to myself at thought of Selena. God that was the last morning I woke up with smile. In 4 years there was no one who could make me feel like she did. I extended my arm to bring her near to me just to find cold sheets beside me. My eyes flash open. She is free today why she woke up early. I slowly brought myself up due to hangover because of hard partying I have been doing past few days. I went downstairs after I didn't find Selena in any of the rooms upstairs. There she was. Standing by the window wall in living room dressed in long crème flowing dress. Her long wavy deep brown hair falling down her back. With hands crossed on her chest she stood there and watched landscape of LA like it is something she never seen before. Slowly I come behind her and hugged her on what she winced in surprise. I lowered my head on her shoulder and whispered a good morning.

No answer. I was not alarmed thinking it was due to the nice position we were in. Although her body was not relaxed.

"Is it true Jay?" Her soft voice filled my ear.

"That I love you more than anything? YES!" I said joking

Sigh... she shocked her head lightly moving her eyes from far upfront to her hands to just close them shut

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