Chapter 9

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Selena's POV:

     "He is father" - I heard myself say and although I wanted it to be true I found myself feeling guilty for giving him the title with which he maybe felt under pressure. It was very wrong to say something like that without even speaking to him about it but it felt so right to finally say it out loud. And on  top of everything I needed him beside me so what was I supposed to do?

     As we sat down at doctors office I tensed even more under the look Mr. Gail gave me. Something was off and I could feel it. I was sick worried.

     "Ms. Gomez, unfortunate to say I don't have good news." He spoke
"We don't know what it is yet but we assume it is genetic disorder. Thankfully you are both here so we can test you and go through your family medical history file and quickly figure out where problem is laying." His words were like knifes opening the wounds on my heart.

     "I... I.. I'm not her mother. I can't help her" I cryed out

     "What do you exactly mean miss?"

     "I mean I'm her mother but not biological" I felt room spinning around me. I was dying from worry. For the first time in my life I felt like failing, I felt powerless and weak. My mind was running 100 miles per hour trying to find the solution.
Maybe I could call Isabella to come back? But she said she doesn't want anything to do with us anymore. I'm cursed.

     "But Isabella was fully tested while she was pregnant." I remembered " I think her file with all information should be at Dr. Aiden Oliver's hospital" By now I was thanking God.

     "Ok. That is brilliant. Can you give me her full name?"

     "Of course. Isabella Maria Genina. She is from Greece." With what I assume her name scraped on the small paper in messy doctors handwriting Mr. Gail exited room in hurry.

     "What did you say her name was?" Justin spoke reminding me that he is still here.

     "Isabella!" I said confused and studied his face. He was in state of shock.

     "Why?" I asked trying to figure out where the problem is. But I didn't get the answer. Insted there was yet another question.

     "Don't tell me she is that new model walking all the runways in Italy?"

     "In fact that is exactly who she is."

As I said that Justin stud up from his seat in a meter of second. His hand on his face going up and down screeching it hard till they found their  way to his hair pulling on the ends hard.



     "Justin? What is going on?"

Nothing. The movements become more agresive and nervousness was evidently floting through his body.

     "Say something please." By now I was standing too

     "Justin tell me what is wrong for God's sake. It is enough that I'm fucking losing my mind because of Rosie. Please don't do it. Please tell me."
     "Are you sure Isabella Genina is her mother?" All of the color was washed off his face. He stud in front of me but his eyes were indicating he was everywhere but in front of me.

     "Jay you don't seem ok!" I said while slowly putting my hand on his upper arm.

     "ANSWER ME WOMAN!" He screamed and brushed of my arm while steping closer to me. It was first time since I know him that he didn't want my touch or that he was this angry.

     "Yes, yes I'm sure. I was there when she gave birth. Now tell me what is wrong? Do you know her perhaps?"

      As before I yet again didn't get the answer. He seamed very distant.

      "JUSTIN." Now I was the one screaming. But the only thing catching his attention was door opened by Mr. Gail.

     "This record is clean." He said while entering. Still looking in the papers in his hands not even noticing us.

     "Doc if it is possible I would like to do the DNA comparison with Rosie Anna Gomez." Justin spoke and his eyes fixed on doctor.

I was in sock. I know what it is. I'm dreaming. That is why the blackness is blurring my vision. I'm dreaming. It can be real....


Here you go lovers....
Chapter 9

What do you think about the twist and who bets Justin is Rosies father?

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