Chapter 17

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Selena's POV:

SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER TOO." I screamed at top of my lungs thinking that if I spoke louder maybe he would understand my pain, but nothing. Cold stone man I use to know as a kind hearted was sitting in front of me not even bugging.

This was exactly what was happening for past 2 hours. Today was the day when we should meet with our lawyers to discuss our divorce and everything was going smoothly till this point.

"Can you please leave us alone?" He said to man in suits.

"But Mr Bieber we..."

"Leave us ALONE I said" After that they all just nodded and left. My lawyer looked at me and I gave him look of approval.

I was standing up looking through glass window wall to the busy streets of LA. I missed this city.

"You always do this don't you?"

I jumped when I realized how close he was to me. His front pressing on my back and his breath on my neck. I closed my eyes and gasped.

I needed to keep my calm and not let him win. He is just getting into my head. I kept telling myself.

"Do-doing what?"

"Looking onto street when you are annoyed, angry..
You always do this. You did it the day when I left and the day I came back." His voice soft. I had an urge to turn around and kiss his full lips with passion but insted I just nodded in conformation.

"I don't want to hurt you Sel. I..."

"So that is why you are asking me to give up on the only thing that kept me sain? Because you don't want to hurt me?" I pushed him away from me and fully turn around. " That is why you changed her grave stone and that is why you filled for restriction order so I can't get close to Marie?" I was angry again but this time I saw Justin as he was. I saw MY Justin..

His head was bowed and I swear I saw a tear coming down his face.

"You want to destroy me and I think you are on good way." I continued

"You think it is easy for me to sign these papers? Do you think it is easy for me to see you hurting? God Selena I still love you..
I still love you. I know I shouldn't but I do. I do. With all my heart but you hurt me and I don't want to be hurt like that. I want you far away from me and Marie.
Why do you think it took me 3 years to fill for divorce?
Because I was hoping you will come back.
But you didn't.."

I for the second forgot how to breathe. This can't be true no no no. I must be dreaming.

I should just sing and go I told myself. But instead walking to papers I walked in his direction an without even thinking my lips were on his. The feeling was incredible. I didn't even know I needed his kiss as much as I did. It felt like I was lost in desert for days and I finally found water.

My hands around his neck, his on my lower back pushing and pulling me closer even though there is no space. Our kiss was slow but passionate.

"I want you far away from me and Marie." His words from earlier ringing in my head.

"I will always wait for you." Mario's voice came up.

I slowly pulled out from kiss and looked in his eyes. The soft glaze fell apone me.

"I guess this is goodbye. I will stay as far away as you want." With my hands on his chest I felt his heartbeat picking up. "Send the new copy of papers to my address I will sign it."

He nodded and kissed me ones more.

"And I love you too." I said sustaining my tears.

And with that I exited the conference room.



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