Chapter 16

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Big pile of papers full of spilled hearted lyrics spread all over the wooden floors of the Manhattan's penthouse. Selena calmly sitting on the powder colored piano bench and with every touch giving life to every note that set free under her touch. Concentration on the level where she didn't felt or cared about anything.

Music was her life for so long. At least that is what she thought. But after the lost of her angel all the lights turned off and music got the dark undertone without any pleasure or beauty. It became a torture. A torture that took her precious little daughter away.

But now with every note she realized the mistake she made by leaving everything behind, more and more.

Her face was dry. No tears, no pain. All the emotions spilled in every word. But she was drained. Just the meat and blood of the woman that didn't put food in her mouth for days.

Miles away from her there was honey haired man with the smile on his face made just for his little one. Marie was his 'happy ending'. She was his muse. His life.

But from the day he saw Selena his world was never the same. Multiple sleepless nights full of thoughts about her. He hurt her the way she hurt him and he thought he would feel better afterwards but her was not. By hurting her he hurt himself, too.

Yellow envelope was laying on the coffee table when Mario walked in with his heavy baggage. All he wanted is to hold his lovely wife and forget about hard month away from home. But he was taken away when he heard her deep toned voice singing some melody he never heard before.

"Dead-end streets and boulevards
You threw in the towel, I broke your heart
But there's a first time for everything
Who would've thought you'd feel so cold
And all these memories seem so old
To think you were my everything"

He never heard her sing live. Her new life forbid any kind of music. He was taken back by her act.

Slowly, not to scare her he entered the room eyeing the mess on the floor.

"Baby? " He spoke apone music

Every sound stopped silence coming through. She lowered her head closing her eyes shut hard.
She didn't want him to see her in this state. Their marriage was supposed to be a new beginning. Without trace of her past in it.

She turned around and smiled almost forgetting how to do it.

"You are here?" Her sentence coming out more in a question form.

"Is everything ok? You look horrible darling.." sincerity laced with every word. Worry written all around his face.

Mario D'Ottavio may made a few mistakes but he loved the woman standing in front of him with all of his heart. And the feeling of him losing her was present.

"I think we need to talk." Small voice said. His body stiffened but relaxed ones she hugged him and led him to the sofa.

Talk was constant of mostly Selena talking and him trying to understand the situation.

"So now if I sign it I lose my house and my daughter all over again. He wants me to give up on everything related to her. He already changed her grave stone saying 'Rosie Anna Bieber'. I can't do that. Mario I can't lose her again." She cried and all he could feel is her slipping out of his hands even though he was holding her tight.

"What do I do, baby? Please tell me?" Sobbing continued

"You do what you need to. Go hire the best lawyer in state of California and fight for what is yours. After you win come back my heart will always be your. I will always wait for you"

And she knew what each and every word means. He is setting her free to go and find the happiness. Happiness that she failed to find in so many years.

My sweet readers begged me to update so here it is earlier then usual.




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