Chapter 13

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3 years later


'Selena' he called but soon as he did the silence covered all the noise thats been present.

'Selena' he called again but the never ending game of the silence canceling all the sounds continued.

'Selena baby can you hear me?'

This time her angelic face framed with short light brown hair was present in the room. Her eyebrows frowned.

'You called me?' her word came out more like question than statement.

'Baby can you please answer your phone it's been going off for the last half an hour. You know how much I hate to answer your phone so can you please take care of it, please. I can't concentrate.' He stated never parting his eyes from the laptop screen.

She nodded and took her IPhone from the place it was charging at.

Sometimes she asked herself why she married him. Yes he was sweetheart and very gentle in the days when she was most fragile and, sure, she loved him for a long time but constant fighting drove them apart.

Just few hours ago the screams could be heard from their bedroom and tension could be cut with the sharp knife. Constant crying and sadness was tiring for Selena and she was trying to find the solution. Couples therapy was no help and he was aware of the fact that they are growing apart.

The main problem was that child.

She was not over Rosie and she thought she will never be. After all she lost her only source of light. Although she lost her 3 long years ago she couldn't bring herself up and go visit her grave.

And he is mad. Mad she didn't move on from the child that wasn't even hers. And that hurt her the most.

But he wanted his own. He wanted to pass his legacy to his blood. And Selena, she couldn't give him that.

'Mom, is everything ok? You called like thousand times.' Selena said ones she was far enough so she didn't distracted anyone and her mother answered.

'Yeah everything is ok. But sweetie... you need to come back home as soon as possible if you want to see the house one more time. They want to build huge complex there and they will destroy the house ones the owner signs. And for some odd reason he called me telling that maybe I wanted to know it.'

Selena's world was spinning. Her past was haunting her for so long and only thing she could do was leave and burry old memories together with the house.

'Selena are you still there?' her mother's voice full of concern was flouting from another side of the line.

'Yeah, I'm here. Listen mom, if you could ask the owner to postpone the signing process till I come it would be great. I'm booking my flight back to LA right now.' She said looking for her laptop.

'Sure thing sweetie. Talk to you soon then. Love you.'

'Love you too mama.'

With that line was cut. She needed to go. She needed the closure.

She was lucky her husband had to travel to Europe this week so she was free to leave their luxury New York penthouse without him even noticing.

Ones the flight she booked just 3 days ago, took off all she could think about was how this trip could save her marriage.

She meet Mario few days after she moved to New York and started her 'new life'. In that time she was still very fragile and he helped her to get back on her feet. Well almost.

He is CEO in Aircraft Company here in New York and they meet one night when he saved Selena from sea of paparazzi. He never left her side since.

He was her rock for 2 years now and he supported all of her crazy ideas. Selena needed somebody like Mario. He was there but he gave her, her much needed space, and she did the same. But needs changed in last couple of mounts. She needed more attention and he needed plus one in their family.

Mario D'Ottavio was very much the CEO from the books where every woman is blinded with their beauty. He is little to say handsome Italian with shine black hair and admirable height. He was a dream come true.

And Selena loves him. Even though she thought she never will and could. She did with everything in her. And she was hoping that ones she steps out of the plane in NYC next week she will be ready to say YES to the Mario's much wanted baby.

'Dear passengers please return to your seats and fasten your belts. We are about to land on the LAX. Hope you had a nice flight.' The crumbling voice of the plot was beaming thought the speakers and Selena knew that that was it.

The thing she needed to do long time ago is about to be done.


'I think I should go alone.' Selena told her mother.

It has been a few hours since she was in LA but she took some time to catch up with her mother.

'As you wish' her mother said with the hope in her eyes


Selena's POV:

Here I'm in front of the house I promise I will come back to a long time ago. This house was my everything. This house gave hope to my family and me when we had nothing. When we were broken and now this is not even my house and in a few weeks all of this in front of me, all the memories, all the hope will go to ashes.

So now I'm standing in front of the house not daring to come closer. It took 1 hour to step in front yard.

'Daddy, daddy come out side. Somebody is standing in our yard.' A small high pitched voice was heard. I lower my eyes and in front of me was one of the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen.

I kneeled down so I was at her height.

'Hello. My name is Selena. Do you live here?' I said with tiers in my eyes. I saw Rosie in her... she would be the same age as her.

'Yes. My name is Mary and I live here with my father. He told me not to talk to strangers but you told me your name so we are basically best friends and you are very beautiful.'

A smile grow on my face with every word she spoke. I don't remember last time I smiled like this. She was so cute and smart and I fell in love with her instantly. She was like hint sent from the God.

'Ok. We can be best friends but where is your father I would like to talk to him first?'

She turned her head and look at direction of the front door as I took in all of her figure hugged with white fluffy dress. I loved all of her.

'Here he is.' She said pointing in the direction of the silhouette I saw approaching us in the corner of my eye.

In the moment I looked at the direction of man that stood few feet away from us I immediately stood up. My mouth dry and my heart beating faster than ever.

'Justin' was all I could say...


It looks like Justin is not dead after all. Oh well, who knew :D




Love ya <3!!!

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