Chapter 8

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Justin's POV:


Today well known singer and actress Selena Gomez is spotted entering the hospital for children's care. If you didn't already know Selena did adopt little girl in summer last year and named her Rosie. This is the first time we saw her in public with her. Now the question is why is Selena in hospital and is everything ok with little Rosie?

By now I was walking from one wall of the room to other nervously biting my nails. I didn't know what is happening and the option to call and ask was not open. She is engaged mother of one and I can't do anything about it. My only source of information was media. Good one, yeah? That is what I thought.

Unable to hear the rest of the story I decided to change channel. Not that it helped.

Reportedly Selena Gomez is in the hospital with her daughter Rosie who is really sick. Unfortunately it is unknown what she is sick from but from the close source we found out that it is pretty serious and that Selena is 'losing her head'. Especially because of the fact she is going thought all of this alone. Supposedly after a huge fight Selena and her fiancé, Doctor Oliver, broke up. And that explains the empty ring finger on her right hand and why she is not in Oliver's hospital. Pore girl! We wish her happiness because it looks like this past 5 years somebody cast the spell on her luck. ...

Reporter continue to talk about other celebrities and their life but all I did was stand in front of the TV screen with the remote in my hand with my mouth wide open.

Was it true? Is she really free again? But I couldn't think about the stupid thing like that now. I knew that she needed somebody and might as well that somebody be me.


Few minutes later I was in hospital asking for her on the reception. The nurse gave me the directions and I next that I know I was standing in the waiting room in VIP section facing Selena's back. She was facing big glass wall. Looking somewhere very far away. She was worried and crying. Her whole body tensed. I keep moving till I was just few steps behind her.

'Hey' - I said really softly trying not to scare her.

She turned and looked at me. Her eyes red from crying her under eye circles deep purple and her lips dry. Her hair in loose ponytail. But oh my... she was still the most beautiful thing I saw.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds and I was scare she would yell and tell me to get the hell out of there but instead she just hugged me. She hugged me so tight that after it I was in extreme sock. My hands traveled to her waist and brought her closer to me.

She placed her head on my chest pressing her forehead on the hard suffice. She would always do this when upset. I placed my head on hers and rub her back lightly. I don't even know for how long we stayed like that but the feeling of silence and us being together was more than pleasant.

'Would you like to sit down? You seem very tired.' - I said firmly holding onto her. Her body was now relaxed in my arms and I had a feeling if I let her she would fall.

Short mhm was all I heard but she didn't move. I lower my body and placed my right hand behind her knees and picked her up bridal style in swing of the motion. Her head is buried in my neck as I sat down with her on my lap. She didn't move for a while.

'Why are you here Justin?' she finally spoke still not moving one bit from previous position.

'I thought my princess might need me here' I reply kissing top of her head


'Olly and I broke up' She said looking up

I stay silent. I didn't want to say something and ruin this moment. She is finally calm and stop crying.

'He wanted legal guardianship over Rosie ones we get married.' She spoke looking into my eyes.

I head was bowed down, my whole body tensed up under her words and my grip around her body become stiffer.

'I couldn't do that... Cause... Cause you are the only one I saw as a father of my children. Even Rosie.'

After her words being herd I stud up as fast as I could without hurting her due that she was still on my lap.

'Then why did you accept his proposal?' I said standing by the window on the same spot she stud on when I came here few hours ago.

'I didn't at first. I came back to you. I came back home and lay next to you.' Her soft voice spoke near me

'But... But in morning you had the ring on your finger. I saw it.' Now I was semi angry. More on myself than her. Because If I screw it up again and lost her I mıght as well jump thought this window.

'That night I told you I want to go to welcome him but after I saw you on my door step and with Rose in your arms I knew I wanted to stay and fight for you... for us. So I went to end things with him first. When I finally arrived there before I could say anything he was on his knee asking me to marry him. And my answer was simple 'No' but he begged me and cried on my feet and said to keep the ring and think about it. Ones I came home my heart knew for sure that the answer will always be no till the morning I woke up without you holding me. You were gone ones again. I was furious after the scenes from few years ago repeated. And that is when I said yes. But after I read your letter I realized that it was not your fault and from that moment on I couldn't take Olly on this ride with me. She deserved love and he wouldn't get one from me. Not with you around.'

I was now standing facing her. I run and hugged her not saying anything. Anything I would say wouldn't be good enough after her words.

'Jay, is she going to be ok?'

'Sheee, everything will be perfectly fine.'

'Rosie Anna Gomez' I heard nurse said

'Yes' Me and Selena said in same voice

'Doctor is ready to give you full information's on her case please come with me'

I let Selena go but she interlock her fingers with mine and start walking to big glass door.

'Excuse me miss, just parents are allowed behind this door.' Nurse said and sadness overflowed my body

'He is father...' Selena said looking into my eyes with hope.

With that we started walking to the doc's office...


Hey my beautiful reading friends I want to include your wishes in next chapters of the story so please comment what would you like to happen.

LOVE you..

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