Chapter 22

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All that happened earlier today was repeating in my head in slow motion as I set at my terrace. Honestly I don't know for have long I have stayed like this watching the ocean. A glass in my hand keep hitting bottom as soon as I filed it up. Good thing that Marie was long a sleep by now. Night was calm unlike my emotions. In one moment I was angry because she is caring the baby of the men she don't love and because she slept with him after all the thing she said to me that night when we were together. On the other hand I was mad because now there is small to non-chance for me to win her over ever again. And most of all I was sad because the little one she is caring, the part of her is not part of me too. And it will not call me 'daddy' but somebody else. I have so much questions and none of them have logical answer.

I would lie if I say that I didn't relive all the possible situations from Kendall lying to me to this being just another game. But I know her and I know how much this means to her.

Loud grown escaped my mouth and I decided that it would be the best if I let it go and just relax a little bit while watching some TV.

Crashing down on the couch I turned on the TV that is placed on plain white wall.

And "...Gomez is now divorced woman..." is the first thing I heard coming from the speakers. On the screen I see Selena's ad Mario's picture divided into two pieces.

"Earlier this afternoon we got information that former singer and actress Selena Gomez, sweetheart that we all love, and her really successful now ex-husband Mario D'Ottavio, handsome Italian, sign their divorce papers and call it quit. Now we are asking our self why? Everything looked just fine few day ago when Selena and Mario were seen leaving one of the most popular private hospitals in Big Apple. And why were they in hospital? Well, lucky for us as well as you our source told us that Selena is indeed pregnant and it seems that Mario is not the father. Ouu scandalous, don't you think? Although we don't know who the father may be I'm sure we will soon found out. So stay with..."

After the reporter said this the light bulbs started to turn on in my head like Christmas tree lights. All of my questions got an answer and all the puzzles got on their place. My body was numb and I was in state of shock. Although I drank almost whole bottle of whiskey I was not drunk. The realization sobered me up.

The baby is mine...


"And what now? Are you going to run away every time you see him?"

"That is a plan." I said to Kendall as I packed my suitcase.

"Selena you can't run your whole life."

"Who said I was going to run my whole life?"

"Selena you know what I mean he will found out sooner or later and then what..."

"Don't... just don't. I'm going and I'm going alone. Please don't follow me. Ok?"


"NO. Kendall no. Bye!" With that I left but something told me I will not go far away...

Finally it is here... YEIIII

If this becomes the most liked part I will post EVERY week I promise :)




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