Chapter 11

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3rd person POV:

"Hey mom, before we leave, I'm gonna visit him once again" Selena said to her mother in small voice that's been washed up by tires.

"Ok, darling" Was all Mandy could say.

Her daughter was on the edge and it tears her apart to look at the sadness hovering over her.

Selena has been awake for a few days now and since the moment reality hit her she has been crying. But she menage to stay strong and pick herself up on her feet.

Today is the day when they dismissed her from hospital and today is Rosies funeral.

Justin on the other hand is still laying on the hospital bed with oxygen tubes in his nostrils, connected to machines. Only soft heartbeat signaling he is alive.

Because of him Selena is strong, although seeing him like this makes her give up on everything and wait death herself.

There were countless nights were she was just sitting on her bed thinking about everything. She was a strong beliver and she knew God had a special plan for her but she couldn't but wonder WHY?

It was like it is not destined for her to be happy.

After she entered the room for the fifth time today she decided to spoke a few words although she knew he can't hear her. She didn't spoke to him till this moment but she felt the need to do so. Usually she would just sit on the chair next to him and cry.

"Hey Jay.. Gosh this is wird. You know talking to sleeping you. Heh I think I'm going crazy but I felt like you are the only one who can understand me and here I am.

You know I pry for you to wake up every moment of every day... and night. I need you.. I know it's selfish of me to ask you to wake up and live in pain like I do but I don't want to be alone. I lost you one to many times for you to leave me again.

She left us Jay.. Umm.. Rose.. she - she choose to be in heaven. Today.. today her body.. umm I'm going to her.. God this is hard. I wish you are awake and next to me when they.. when they lower her body down" Last words came out like a wisper while her face was wet from tears.

"You said you will never leave again. You remember? I know you do." She took his hand in hers. Silence overpowering everything.

"She brought us together baby. My angel brought you back to me... but if it takes for me to stay away from you for you to wake up. I will. I wish when you woke up you don't remember anything from the last year. I just don't want you to be sad and heartbroken."

And then she leaned over to kiss his bandaged forehead.

"I love you"


Few hours later she was there. Wearing all black standing becide small coffin, alone. No one near to hold her hand, or feel what she feels.

The ceremony is over. And everyone else left. But she... she couldn't let go of the thing that make her smile in darkness.

And that is the moment when she realized that all the money and the fame, glory and fans.. nothing can bring back the most precious thing in her life. All those things lead her to the spot she is standing on right now.

And that was the braking point.

She needed to say goodbye...


"I love you"

The 3 words were repeating in Justin's head making him wonder who spoke them. Those 8 letters gave him straight to put away from the light and walk towards pain.

All the words he heard today give the answer to his million questions he asked over and over in his head but no one could hear him.

And that was the realising moment of his.

He needed to say goodbye...


Hey my lovers...

This chapter is a little bit different. I hope you like it. It is my first time writing in 3rd person POV and I want to know what do you think.

Sorry for grammar mistakes. I didn't have time to edit.

Love you



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