Chapter 4

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Justin's POV:

"And you named her Rosie, like I always wanted" I was sobbing in that moment and she was too

My eyes never leaving hers and hers never leaving mine...

I moved closer to her. I needed to feel her. To hug her and fell like she is mine. God I wish I never left. Tears still sliding down our faces. My steps small and slow. I don't know how she is going to react. Does she want to hug me too or...

My eyes traveled across her face. She is even more beautiful then I remember. She is all I can think about. All the fame, money, cars, girls I would give up everything If it means I can go back in time and hold her hand and answer the stupid question.

I was so close to her I could feel her worm breath on my face. Her eyes closed. Breading uneven. I stepped even closer taking her right hand and placing it on my chest so she can feel my heartbeat. It is the thing we did to show each other that the heart beating is just because of her. She held her breath. I placed my forehead on hers. Nose to nose. Both of our eyes closed shut unsure is it true or is it just one of the plenty dreams. I placed my hands on her back bringing her closer to me. She didn't move. Almost not breading. We stayed like that for God knows how long.

In one moment I felt her hand travel to my face as she held it. Her small soft hand on my wet cheek. I started crying even more as I felt her touch.

"Shhh..." she softly said.

Her full lightly touching my cheek as she spoke. I arms tighten around her back and she stepped closer. I tilted my head wanting to kiss her. It was like I was going to feel her lips for the first time. My heart started beating faster and I felt first time in so long as I was alive. I was millimeter away when I felt her index finger on my lips. She stopped me.

"Justin, no..." she softly whispered

"Give me one good reason why shouldn't I kiss you. And don't tell me you don't want it because I can feel your heart." I said. Neither of us moving from previous position. I still wanted to kiss her



"Because... because I have boyfriend Justin." She whispered

And the scenario from my worst nightmare came true. She moved on. What was I expecting? The most beautiful princess to wait for me to make my mind and come ask for forgiveness? I lightly nodded I release her from my tight hug. It is then when I opened my eyes. I was heartbroken. Totally. I could see everything in her eyes. She was sad, tired, hurt and in pain. I wanted to go. Go out of the house we use to live together in but I couldn't move my legs I just stood there looking at her... crying...

Screw society saying man should not cry. I'm hurting and I'm gonna cry.

"Um... I-I'm I'm going to say goodbye to little one if-if you don't mind..."

She simply nodded and I turned around to go see her. Maybe this is the last time I'm going to be able to look at her angelic face...

After long goodbye speech she will never remember I left the house and not even seen Selena. Was today a mistake?

The many sleepless nights will decide on that...

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