Chapter 5

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Selena's POV:

Christmas and New Year season is coming up. Everything is sparkly and beautiful. And it is true it is most definitely most beautiful time of the year. Thinking about the words I choose to describe spiritual time coming up I remembered Justin.

It has been some time since he came. I was not expecting him to come again especially after that goodbye speech that I overheard. It was at least to say heart breaking but I was strong. Stronger then I have ever been. We have been exchanging some massages mostly me sending him Rosie's picture and him replying with kind regards and thank yous. I have feeling that I have to share them with him. To be honest I was sending more pictures to him then to Olly but that doesn't mean anything.

Olly has been great to me and to her. I am really blessed to have him in my life but the voice inside of me doesn't let me accept him truly. I know I said I can't love him and I'm still standing behind my word but I kind of like him... a lot.

Although it's not the same. His hot breath close to my lips and his strong tattooed arm around my waist bringing me to most comfortable hug ever can't compare to the ones Olly is giving me. They are too different and too special on their own way. I can't compare them.

I pray to God to show me the path I should walk by. Because I'm on the crossway right now.

Tonight Olly is coming back home from seminar he had in Japan. I didn't see him in 3 weeks and I miss him so much. I decided to make a surprise tonight and just show up at his apartment when he comes. Maria will stay with Rosie.

I was half way getting ready when my phone rang.

After picking up the news of Maria having flue were spilled to me. I didn't know what to do. The whole organization will look stupid and the people that I hired will stay unpaid. I can't let that happened. Unfortunately, my mom took some time for herself and her family and went to Hawaii for vacation. To ask my friend to babysit is impossible due to the Friday night and the only other option is... Justin.

Justin's POV:

Here I'm again in front of the house I use to call my home. I thought I will never come back here and to be honest I was a little bit taken back when she called me to babysit.

After 15 minutes of just standing in front of the door and thinking about past I manage to press the ring bell. I waited no more than few seconds for door to swing open. And here we are again. My head bowed down scared to look at her eyes. She silent.

I raise my head just to see a beautiful woman that I use to call mine. She was wearing dark green casual dress that went to her knee. The dress was so tight showing all of her curves and damn no supermodel can replace the curvy beauty standing in front of me. Her hair pulled back in high ponytail with few pieces pulled out framing her face. She had leader jacket around her shoulders and black heels. She was perfection in creation.

"Thank you for coming. You are literally life safer" she said never looking in my face. I simply nodded and went inside

"I need to go. I will come late. Don't worry" And then and there she hugged me and kissed my cheek

I was like stone just standing there.

"Um... if anything need please call me and good luck." She said on her way out

"Um... Selena?"


"Have a nice time and... and please be safe" I said sincerely on what she just nodded and disappeared behind the door.

All I can say is that it takes God damn huge amount of courage to watch woman you love go be happy with somebody else. All the pieces of my broken heart were arching especially the one where her name was written.

With heavy steps I quickly went upstairs to take care of now crying little beauty.

Selena's POV:

It was late at night and I didn't want to go home. The disaster of the night was still going over and over in my head. My now makeup stained face was more resembling some cartoon villain then the human being.

I was home. I needed to hold my princess and find the straight again. She is the only one that mattered. I went straight to her room but she wasn't there. The fear overwhelmed my body. I quickly run through the house but all the rooms were empty till I came I front of the room I didn't step in for 4 years. Our old bedroom. I slowly opened the door reviling Justin on his side and Rosie in the middle of the bad sleeping.

"... I... Gosh... I imagined in that moment everything is fine, that you are mine and she is mine as much as she is yours." Justin's word were repeating in my head and I knew exactly what he meant by that.

I slowly went and lay on my side of the bed putting my hand on his...


  Please let me know what you think about story so far.. :)

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