My mate and Daughter

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Madeline's POV:

Weeks went by and each day I started doing a little bit better. I hung out with Bea in my room and laid with Sin and his wolf whenever I felt like it. We didn't get into many arguments, just when Sin works too much. He has been tracking down the vampires since that day. I know there weren't many from Jaiman's coven, but it was enough for them to retaliate on us.

We have people watching for trouble. We check in the sky and in the trees. Anywhere anyone could hide. We even checked our people to be sure they are who they say they are.

I have been gaining some weight back. I lay down and nap then get up to eat food. Sin has me walking the castle and doing little exercises which is tiring, but it's a good way to burn energy.
I would run in tiny shorts and tiny shirts, he would get distracted no matter if I lost weight or gained, he always did that nasty smirk and smacked my bum.

It's very funny actually.

Bea seen him smack my butt once and she slapped him. It was hilarious!

Over all I have been doing coping mechanisms. Focusing on gaining my butt back more than drowning in my thoughts.
I dance and do many squats with Mona and Esme. The kids would join because they think it's funny when it is not.

I have abs now and muscle in my thighs and glutes. My butt is growing slowly, but it takes time.

Sin loves helping me train.

He would award me with a kiss every squat though I could get a kiss whenever I wanted one, but that made it fun. He would feed me a fry or grape whenever I stood from a squat.

I love working out.

I walked into the kitchen for an apple and Sin was talking to Leon and Nikolas.

"Hi, Luna." Nikolas greeted and I waved.

I'm still not used to being around people. I'm only around the girls or Sin and Bea. I read with Ambrose sometimes, he makes me feel nice. He's like a big brother to me. He pulls me into his side and reads to me. He hugs me when we read sad parts.

Mona knows that. She's okay with that. She knows I have a mate and I'm just close to Ambrose.

"Here." Sin feeds me a piece of his cookie and I smiled at how good it was. I ate another bite. Sin gave me another cookie and I ate it. I turned and Sin smacked my bum. I turned back and glared. He smirked and I walked away to the fridge.

I grabbed fruit juice and went to pour me some in a cup. Sin talked to Nik before Nik left with Leon. I put the juice back and stood in front of the sink to hurry and drink the juice. I took my medicine and someone came up behind me.

Sin's front pushed against my back and I smiled.

"Well, aren't you beautiful?" He whispered in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him from behind when I finished my drink. He wrapped his arms around me. I stared at the sink smiling.
"I'm in your shirt and shorts." I pointed out.

"Exactly." He slapped my butt when we let go and I laughed. I turned to him and rubbed his chest. I smiled and he smirked at me.
"Bea kicked Drew in know what." I signaled and he laughed.

"Finally, that little dick will finally stop being a Dick! I taught Bea the perfect force as well with-...I mean." He cleared his throat as I raised my brows at him and he shook his head.
"Never mind. Oh, Bea's linking me." He said and hurried to run out.

I followed behind him and he ran upstairs to Bea's room. Bea had her wings out and Vanessa and Amara had fake wings playing fairies.

"What did I say about messing up these rooms?!" I asked and the girls made a face.

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