karl's sister (georgenotfound)

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You are Karl's sister. You are only two years younger. You only know one friend from Karl and that's Nick. You met Nick for the first time when he flew to see Karl. Karl told you that he would introduce you to the others later. And today is that day.

"How long before they arrive?" I asked Karl nervously. "About an hour or so. Are you nervous?" He asked. "Slightly yes". "You don't have to worry about anything. Clay and George are great friends. And you already know Nick". He said with a smile. "Yeah,okay". "Yeah, and they will be here for a few days". Karl said. "Okay".
     One hour later

I heard someone knocking on the door, so it must have been the boys. "I'm coming". Karl shouted. I followed Karl to the door. Yeah, I'm a little nervous. "Hello". Karl welcomed them. "Hey Karl." They greeted Karl and embraced him. I noticed George first. We had eye contact for a few seconds. Then I noticed Clay and Nick. "So Clay and George this is my sister Y/n". Karl introduced me to them. "Hi". I greeted them. "Hi Y/n nice to meet you". George said with a smile. "Nice to meet you". Clay said. "Nice to meet you too". I said with a smile. "Hi Y/n". Nick greeted me too. "Hey :)". We went to sit in the living room and talked.
When we talked, I noticed that George kept looking at me. Every time I looked at him, he quickly looked somewhere else. "Hey guys don't you want to go out for a walk?" Clay suggested. We all agreed that yes, so we went. We talked again the whole way, except for George, who I noticed was behind us. I wanted to go after him but Karl interrupted me. "Go to George". Karl said. "Why?". I asked. "I'll tell you later at home". "Ok". So I went to George. "Why are you behind us?" I asked him. "I don't know. I'll just think about something". He said. "Okay". I said. "And why did you come to me?" He asked me and smiled. "I felt a little sorry for you for going behind us". "A little?" He smiled. "Yeah". I smiled too. "Okayy". He said. George and I talked a lot. At least we got to know each other better. We laughed a lot too. Karl and the others were in front, so I think they didn't even know about us. After a while, George asked me one such question. "And did you ever have a boyfriend? Or do you have?" "No i didn't and I don't have either". I answered. "What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked him. "No, I have not". He smiled. "And why are you asking me this?" I asked. "I'm just asking". He said. "okay". It was getting a little dark so we went home. We spent the rest of the evening playing various games and talking. When it was too late, we all went to sleep. Even before that, I went to Karl ask him why he told me to went to George. "Karl why you told me to went to George?" I asked. "Well Y/n I have a question". "Okay". "Do you like George?" Karl asked. "Well.."Come on Y/n, I saw you both laughing and talking". Don't tell me you don't have a crush on George". Karl said. "Okay maybe I have a minor crush. But why you told me to went to George?" Me and the boys noticed from the beginning how you keep looking at each other, so we want to get you together". Karl said and smiled. "How do you know if George wants me?" I asked. "Clay and Nick had already talked to him". Karl said. "Okay.."
"Don't worry, give him time". Karl said and smiled. "Karl, how do you know I want George?" I asked him. "Because I'm your brother, and I know when you want someone". He smiled. "Yeah.. okay. I'll go to sleep. Good night". I said. "Okay good night".
A few days later. The boys are flying out tomorrow, and I've gotten really close to George over the past few days, and I've started to have more feelings for him.
I was in the living room with the boys, but George wasn't there. Later he went to us.
"Y/n can I talk to you for a second?" George asked. I don't know why, but I looked at the boys first. And they nodded for me to go. "Yeah".
We went to my room. "So...". He said. "Yeah?" I said. "Do you know how close we've gotten these past few days?" He asked. "Yeah.." "So you have feelings for me too. Like me to you?" He asked and smiled. "Yes". I smiled too. "I know I'm asking at the last minute, but do you want to be my girlfriend?" "Of course". I smiled. Than he leans in and kissed me. I kissed him back. George took my hand and we walked into the living room. When the boys saw us they started screaming. "Oh my god". "You're finally together!"
I don't like this..
But i hope you liked it <3

Word count: 878

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