secret girlfriend (karljacobs)

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You are at the airport waiting for Karl Jacobs, your secret boyfriend. No one knows you're together except your friends. You met at his meet and greet event. Since then, you texted and called each other every day and developed a strong bond.

Karl finally arrives and you smile at him. He looks even better than in the videos and you feel happy to be with him. Karl hugs you and you feel his warmth and scent.

On the way to your house you talk about everything, but you never mention your relationship. Karl invites you to dinner and you enthusiastically accept. Dinner is wonderful and you realize how much you love Karl.

After dinner, you decide to walk around town. Karl holds your hand and you feel safe. At one point you stop and Karl smiles at you. You know something is up, but you don't know what.

Karl suddenly tells you that he loves you and that he doesn't want your relationship to be a secret. He wants to show himself to the world with you and be with you fully. You smile at him and tell him you love him too.

Karl takes your hand and you walk back to your house together. Something you didn't expect will happen there. Karl leans in and kisses you. You feel butterflies in your stomach. It's an incredible feeling and you know you've found the one.

You talk, laugh and hug each other all night long. It's the best night of your life and you know that you and Karl will be happy forever.

When you wake up in the morning, Karl tells you that he wants you to be together officially and that he wants to show you to the world. You agree and decide together to announce it on social networks.

The whole situation is unbelievable for you. You are happy with Karl and nothing in the world will change that.

Idk what to think about this lol

word count: 333

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