late calls (quackity)

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It was already late at night and y/n was sitting in the living room trying to work on her homework. She was tired and wanted to go to sleep, but she knew she had to finish her work. When she finally managed to finish her work, she realized that it was too late and that she should go to bed.

As she was about to go to bed, she heard her phone ring. She was surprised to see that it was Quackity who she hadn't talked to in a while. They were close and had common interests.

"Hi how are you?" asked Quackity.

"I'm tired, but otherwise I'm fine. And you?" y/n replied.

"I'm tired too but I wanted to talk to you. It's been a long time since we talked and I miss you", said Quackity.

"I miss you too", y/n replied.

And so they began to talk about their lives, what had been happening to them lately, and their plans for the future. They were close and knew they could count on each other.

As morning began to approach, y/n realized that it was very late.

"I have to go to bed, it's getting late," she told Quackity.

"I have to go to bed too", replied Quackity.

"But I didn't mean to disturb you. I just wanted to talk to you."

"It's okay", y/n said. "It was nice talking to you. I miss you."

"I miss you too", replied Quackity. "Have a good night."

"Have a good night too" y/n replied and ended the call.

Even though the call was short, y/n realized how much she missed Quackity. She was glad they could talk.

word count: 286

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