sad mood (georgenotfound)

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This takes place at school, so you're 16.

When you wake up, you feel sad. You keep trying to find the reason why you feel this way, but you can't think of anything. You try to be positive, but sometimes you just can't.

When you get dressed, you try to find some comfortable clothes that help you feel better.

When you arrive at school, you see George waiting for you at the door. When he sees you, he notices that you're not feeling well.

"How do you feel?" George asks you while you go to class together. "Sad, and I don't even know why" you replied. "I'll take care of you" George said and hugged you. You feel safe in his arms.

George tries to make you laugh and puts you in a positive mood. He reminds you of what you have and what makes you happy.

As the lunch break approaches, George invites you to lunch. You go to your favorite restaurant, which is a short distance from school.

You sit together and talk about everything. George shows you that even if you're not feeling well, you can still have a good day.

When you go back to school after lunch, you feel better. George made you realize that even if you feel sad, you are not alone. George shows you that you have someone who loves you and cares for you.

When you go back to class, you feel much better. George helped you overcome your sadness.

"Thank you for making my day." You thanked George. "You're welcome, I'm always here for you whenever you need me." He said and hugged you.

When you get home from school, you text George and thank him for what he's done for you. George wrote back saying he was glad he helped you

word count: 305

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