rain kiss (karljacobs)

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You and Karl have known each other for several years and are best friends. You were never sure if you could be more than friends, but you both didn't want to risk it and ruin your relationship.

One day Karl asked you out. You decided to go to the place where you used to hang out when you were little. It was strange how nothing had changed in that place.

When you arrived, after a while it started to rain. "We don't have umbrellas with us, now what?" Karl asked. "Come with me" you said and took Karl's hand.

You brought him to a building where you could hide under the roof.

"So what are we going to do now?" you asked. "I think we could do something we've never done before" Karl said with a smile. "What do you mean?" you asked confused.

Karl leaned in and kissed you. It was a gentle kiss that only lasted a few seconds. You were shocked, you never expected that Karl felt more than friendship.

"I know we didn't want to risk our relationship but I can't stop thinking about what it would be like if we were more than friends. Y/n i love you." Karl said. "I can't stop thinking about it either. You said and kissed him.

"This was my best rainy day. Karl said and hugged you. You laughed in the hug.

When it stopped raining a little, you went to Karl's house, where you played a movie.

I don't know what to think about this

Otherwise, I want to thank you very much for 1.54k reads, I really appreciate it💞

word count: 276

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