hugs (quackity)

143 5 0

You're on a walk with Quackity. As sunset approaches, Quackity takes your hand and leads you to a tree that stands at the edge of the park. He stops in front of it and shows you how the sun is slowly making its way towards the horizon. You feel Quackity's breathing pick up slightly and his hand press against yours. Then Quackity slowly turns to you and you look at each other. His eyes light up and you feel your heart pounding. Quackity slowly approaches you and hugs you. His arms tighten around your body and you feel his warmth spread through your body. "I love you," Quackity tells you and you smile. "I love you too," you reply, hugging him back. During the hug, Quackity leans in and kisses you on the lips. You feel your heart pounding with joy and you physically merge into one. When you say goodbye, you know that you will remember this moment for a long time.

I know, it's short again

word count: 171

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