date (quackity)

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Quackity asked you out on date, and you are nervous. You were instantly relieved when Quackity came over and greeted you. Quackity is very friendly and has a great sense of humor, so you relax quickly.

When you decide where to go, Quackity will suggest that you go for a walk around town and explore different places. It's a great idea and you're having a great time together.

When it gets dark, Quackity will show you his favorite place to sit and talk. It is a very romantic and beautiful place.

You feel a little sad when you have to say goodbye, but Quackity lets you know that he's looking forward to another date with you. Quackity is a great guy and you look forward to what the future holds.

Please don't kill me for how short it is😭

word count: 142

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