lonely (dreamwastaken)

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It's a long night, and you're sitting alone in the living room. Your phone is silent and no one is contacting you. You feel lonely and sad, but you still try to be positive. At that moment you realize that you would like to be with someone who could be your support and who would show you that you are not alone.

Just then the doorbell rings and you wonder who could be here at such a late hour. You open the door to see Clay smiling at you. You laugh and invite him on. Clay hugs you and tells you that he doesn't want to leave you alone on a night like this.

You sit on the couch and start talking. You feel relaxed and feel like you can talk to Clay about anything. Clay tells you that he is here for you and that he will support you no matter what. You feel grateful to have such a boyfriend.

Clay tries to make you laugh and makes jokes. You smile and feel better. Clay shows you that even when you feel alone, you still have friends you can count on.

You feel happy and thank Clay for coming to see you. Clay hugs you and tells you he's here for you whenever you need him.

word count: 220

𝘿𝙩𝙦𝙠 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now