sleep (sapnap)

126 4 0

It's late at night, and you and Nick have decided to go to bed already. You laid down next to Nick. Nick smiled and held you close. You felt safe and protected in his arms.

Nick started stroking your hair lightly and talking to you. You were smiling and listening to him. As you listened to him, you slowly began to fall asleep.

When Nick noticed you were falling asleep, he kissed your forehead and pulled you closer to him. You smiled and fell asleep after a while.
Nick closed his eyes and fell asleep next to you. You were glad that you could spend time together even when you were sleeping.

When you woke up in the morning, you were still in Nick's arms. You opened your eyes to see Nick still holding you tightly. You smiled and slowly got out of bed. Nick woke up and looked at you with a smile. It was clear that you both slept well.

I am very sorry that there have been no imagines for a long time. I didn't have time to write at all because of school. But now I will try to write again.

I'm also sorry that this imagine is short.

word count: 206

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