i need you (georgenotfound)

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You stand on the edge of the cliff and look at the beautiful view of the sea. You know that this place is one of the most beautiful in the world and that you would like to be here forever. Suddenly you hear footsteps behind you and turn around.

It's George, your boyfriend. You know you can always trust him and that you will always be safe with him. George walks up to you and grabs your hand.

"I need you", George tells you. "I can't imagine not having you in my life. You are the most I have."

You smile at him and hug him. You know that you support each other and that you will always be together. George leans over and kisses your cheek.

"I love you", George tells you. "I love you more than you can imagine."

You smile at him and tell him you love him too. George smiles at you and tells you that he is looking forward to spending more time together.

You sit next to each other on the edge of the cliff and look together at the beautiful view of the sea. You feel lucky to have such a great boyfriend in your life who can always make your day. You watch together as the sun slowly sets over the horizon. It is a wonderful moment that you will remember.

"It's a beautiful sight," George tells you. "But you know what? You are much more beautiful to me than this view."

You smile at him and feel butterflies in your stomach. George smiles at you and kisses your lips.

George hugs you tighter and pulls you closer. "I never want this to end", he tells you. "I want this to last forever. I want to be with you always."

You smile at him and kiss his cheek. "Me too", you reply. "I want to be with you forever too.

You feel happy and safe in his arms. You are together in this beautiful place and nothing can separate you.

I'm back :3

Thank you very much for 222 readings <3

word count: 352

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