lucky (sapnap)

174 1 0

This takes place at school, so you're 15.

Even before you started high school, you met a boy named Nick. You were in different classes, but you saw each other in the cafeteria every day. You were nervous but you wanted to meet him so one day you decided to go for it.

When you approached him to take your food, he looked at you and smiled. You were a bit confused but you smiled back and said "Hi I'm y/n.

Nick smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Nick. I see you here every day, but I never realized we were in the same class."

You started talking and found that you have a lot of interests in common. You talked about music, movies and video games. You were surprised at how easy you were to talk to him and how quickly you bonded.

After a few weeks you decided to go to a concert together. You were excited but nervous at the same time because he liked you and you didn't know how to react.

When you arrived at the concert, Nick shook your hand and said, "I'm glad to be here with you." You were happy to be together and enjoying the music and atmosphere.

When the concert ended, Nick suggested that you should go for a walk, You agreed and you walked around town together, talking and laughing. It was beautiful and romantic.

Then Nick stopped and said, "I have one thing for you." He pulled a small box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a bracelet with your favorite color.

"It's for you. Nick said. "I hope you like it.

You were amazed and moved. It was the most beautiful bracelet you had ever seen. Nick put it on your wrist and kissed your cheek.

From that moment you started dating. You were happy and enjoying your time together. You went for walks, watched movies, and played video games. He was the best boyfriend you ever had.

Hello, another imagine is here! I hope you like it ^^

Thank you so much for 100 reads <3

word count: 356

𝘿𝙩𝙦𝙠 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now