If everything was like among us

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Y/n = your name

Y/n/n = your nickname

3rd person Pov

Elijah gasped and reported a crime when he saw an unrinsed dish sitting in the sink.

Y/n Pov

"Where? Where? Where? Who reported." Questions filled the air as we were teleported to the meeting.

"Okay. There was a lone dish in the sink that someone didn't put up or even rinse." Elijah explained.

Everyone gasped.

'There is one rule, ok there are many rules, but the most important one is if you are going to eat, rinse the bowl/plate and put it away.' I recalled Shiloh telling me when I first came.

My brain tried to figure out who would have done it.

"Anyone sus?" Me and Shiloh asked, we looked around.

I was a month younger than Shiloh and a couple years younger than the boys.

"Britney is sus!" Judah shouted, pointing to Britney.

"What?! I literally didn't do anything." Britney exclaimed

"That's sus. That's sus right there." Judah continued to point at Britney

"I just came in here to say hi to your mom" Britney tried.

"And if your twisted reasoning is because I'm the only one who doesn't spend ages here, y/n doesn't either. So why don't you vote her out? Huh?"

Elijah, Micah and Josiah turned to her.

"Did you just try to get us to vote out y/n/n?" They asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, we would NEVER vote out y/n/n." They nodded at each other.

"Okay! She's the imposter you can hate me forever if I'm wrong but we have to vote out Britney." Judah told us, slamming his hand on the table.

"All right. Good enough for me." Elijah shrugged before pointing at Britney. Everyone followed and voted her.

She got thrown out of the house.

"Okay. Okay okay. She's typing - she's texting," Judah looked at his phone.

I went on my tip-toes as I tried to look over someone's shoulder. Micah turned to me.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Where's your phone?" He continued.

"My mum took it off me, gave it to my little sister." I replied.

Elijah breathed in sharply, making me turn to him.

"Ooooh. That's rough." He said, patting my shoulder.

I nodded, "yep"

"Now let me see." I continued trying to look up at Elijah and Micah's phones.

"Here" Elijah put his phone down slightly so I could see.

"'I was NOT- not the imposter'...... ohh" Judah read the message from Britney. We all turned to him.

He just sheepishly smiled in return. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, a small smile on my lips.

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now