Vote red

306 7 3

2nd person Pov 

You raise your arm and vote Britney

Judah gasped

"Yes!! You made the right choice my friend! This day, goodness prevails!" He celebrated

"Ha! Let's go!" Judah happily ran off

Soon you were where they throw people out

"And one, and two, and three!" Elijah, Daniel and Judah threw Britney off the ship

You turned to Shiloh for reassurance 

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. We do this all the time. She's a great swimmer, honest. Come on." Shiloh reassured before running over to the others

You walked over to the others

"And...Britney was...not the imposter." Elijah groaned

"She was so sus! This makes no sense!" Judah exclaimed

Everyone walked away, shaking their heads

"Ok, here's the tasks mum gave us to do while we're boat sitting the cruise ship so get 'em done." Shiloh handed out the task cards

You looked down at your task card, telling you your tasks

"And remember there's still one imposter." Elijah exclaimed

"Only one imposter?" Daniel asked

"We got this!" Y/n happily exclaimed

Daniel and y/n did a handshake before running off to their tasks

You turned around and saw Elijah turn left then right before sprinting off

You followed Shiloh and watched as Judah suspiciously looked around and walked off

You turned to Shiloh

"Ok, so do you want to go do tasks? Or Judah was looking pretty sus. Do you wanna go follow him? We really need to do our tasks. But then again, Britney did really seem to think that it was Judah. So, do you want to go follow Judah or go do your tasks. Like y/n said earlier, it's your choice." Shiloh proposed

You can either go to chapter 'follow orange', or 'do tasks' depending on what you want to do

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