If everything was like among us 5

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Y/n = your name

Y/n/n = your nickname

Y/n Pov

Me and Elijah were walking around before I spotted something

"Eli, Eli, Eli. Elijah, Elijah! Eli. Boy with the blue onesie and the headband. ELIJAH!!!" I said, tapping Elijah's shoulder. He wasn't listening


"Hmm. Yeah, y/n." Elijah calmly turned around

I pointed at the pie on the table

Elijah gasped

"Are you the imposter?" He quietly asked me

"No" I told him

"Ok." Elijah nodded

Elijah gasped again, now knowing that I didn't do the crime

"Wait, why don't you report it?" Elijah asked me

"I still haven't got my megaphone back from when Mary dropped it and you were on cams." I explained

"Oh, here you can have my spare." Elijah gave me a spare megaphone

"Why do you carry two megaphones?" I asked him. Elijah looked at me

"Why don't you?" He asked

I facepalmed

I reported the crime

"Where? Where?" Everyone at the meeting asked

"Some one took a sli-" Elijah started before looking up at Micah

"Who's that?" Elijah pointed at Jocelyn, who was on Micah's shoulders

"I'm babysitting the neighbour kid!" Micah exclaimed

"Y/n! You have a kid!" Elijah looked at me

"WHAT? NO!! Ewww!" I shouted

"She's my sister." I explained, Jocelyn nodded

"Okay!" Elijah shrugged

"Someone took a slice out of the pumpkin pie!" Elijah slammed his hands on the table

I slightly pushed him away so I was in the middle

"But only the middle part." I said

Everyone gasped

"I thought I was going to say that" Elijah muttered down at me

"No we agreed that I would say it." I told him

"Anyone sus?" Daniel asked

"Reds sus!" Britney shouted, slamming her hand on the table

I stood back at the loud noise.

"Aha!! You finally came to your senses! Red is suuu-" Judah exclaimed, stopping when I nudged him and pointed to his onesie

"Ahhh!!" He screamed, I took a step away

Elijah gently held my hand, providing a small bit of comfort

"You stole my colour?!?" Judah shouted at Britney

"Yep." Britney nodded, I rose an eyebrow

"Guys... I think I'm sus." Judah looked worriedly at us

"No no. Noo. Judah." We all stopped him

"Just because you're red doesn't mean you're sus." Elijah explained

"Maybe you're right." Judah nodded

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now