Go to balcony

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You told Shiloh that you should go to the balcony

"Great choice." Shiloh smiled as she started walking backwards

"If we see Micah or Jessica doing tasks then we'll know they're safe and we can use that. Come on!" Shiloh explained before running off to the balcony

"What do you call a pile of kittens? A meow-tain!" Micah joked to Jessica and y/n (I'm so sorry, I didn't know what he said 😭)

Y/n rolled her eyes at Micah

"Hey, don't you roll your eyes at me. Respect your elders." Micah turned to y/n

Y/n tried not to laugh at Micah's response

"Micah! Will you please stop telling jokes and do your tasks!" Jessica turned away from her task and faced Micah

"It was just a joke." Micah dropped his shoulders

"And stand up straight, you're gonna hurt your back." Y/n and Jessica told him

"Jeez, you guys are mean." Micah muttered, standing up straight

Micah walked weirdly over to his task, he reminded y/n of an octopus

"And please walk normally." Jessica told him

"Not like an octopus." Y/n added

"I feel ganged up on." Micah muttered

"Hey. It could be worse." Y/n tried

"How?" Micah asked

"Michelle could be here, then you'd be in trouble." Y/n smiled

Micah's eyes widened at the thought of y/n, Jessica and Michelle

"Hello." Shiloh happily exclaimed

"Oh, hey Shiloh and cyan." Micah smiled

"What are you guys doing up here?" Micah asked, y/n turned to you and Shiloh

"Oh, just so you're aware, Jessica gets really grouchy if you don't do your tasks." Micah whispered 

Y/n's eyes widened and Jessica turned around

"I do not!" Jessica pointed to Micah before turning back to her task

"How can she hear me?" Micah asked

"You're not the best whisperer." Y/n patted Micah's shoulder

"Ok, we're just here to do our tasks" Shiloh explained

"All right." Micah and y/n nodded

Y/n turned to Micah and started showing him her photos 

Shiloh turned to you

"I think yours is to sweep the floor." Shiloh told you

You grabbed a nearby broom and started sweeping

The sound told you that you had finished your task

"Come on." Shiloh exclaimed

She ran past y/n and Micah, who were doing tasks

"Oh, I'm done with my task. I'll come with you guys. Y/n?" Micah explained before asking y/n

"Sure." Y/n shrugged 

"All right." Shiloh nodded 

You all started to run when suddenly a crime was reported.

You were all teleported to the meeting

"Where?" Everyone asked

"Someone crushed all the Twinkies on the floor!" Jessica exclaimed

Everyone gasped in horror

"Oh no!" Daniel gasped

"Judah, Britney and Mary are gone!" Josiah added

Everyone gasped again

"Elijah was with Mary!" Micah pointed to Elijah

"What? No, no, no! I left before she went missing! It couldn't have been me!" Elijah defended himself

"I think it's Jessica." Josiah accused

"Oh, that's really sus of you to be accusing someone that quickly!" Micah exclaimed

"Yeah! I reported the crime!" Jessica defended herself

"Yeah but it could've been a self report." Josiah said

Y/n nodded slightly

Jessica glared at y/n, causing Elijah to glare back. Y/n tried to calm Elijah down by gently grabbing his hand

"Weren't you the one who was just walking around by himself." Micah told Josiah

"Yeah, that's how I roll." Josiah replied, doing a weird move

"GUYS! Stop arguing!" Y/n shouted above the noise

Micah, Elijah and Josiah looked down slightly, instantly feeling guilty. They knew y/n didn't like them arguing

"We need more information." Y/n continued

She looked at Shiloh, who looked at you

"I think you should ask some questions. Who do you want to ask a question to? Jessica is acting pretty sus." Shiloh explained, Jessica scoffed

"But then again so is Josiah." Shiloh continued, Josiah worriedly looked at you, not wanting to be voted out

"Daniel might have some valuable information." Shiloh gestured to Daniel, who looked up. He looked even more worried than Josiah

"But you can always ask me anything." Shiloh smiled at you

"So do you want to question Jessica, Josiah, Daniel or me?" Shiloh asked

Change to chapter 'ask Shiloh', 'ask Josiah', 'ask Daniel' or 'ask Jessica' 

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