If everything was like among us 2

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Y/n = your name

Y/n/n = your nickname

3rd person Pov

Shiloh gasped when she saw a cup with ice and water in it. Next to the glass was a coaster. She reported the crime.

Y/n Pov

"Where? Where? Where?" Everyone asked the normal questions

"Alright, someone put a cup full of ice on the coffee table......without a coaster!" Shiloh explained.

Everyone gasped in horror.

"Man I never get to be imposter!" David complained before walking off

I furrowed my eyebrows and pointed at him.

"Did he just rage quit?" Me and Daniel asked, causing Judah to nod.

"Okay we still don't know who it is." Elijah told everyone.

"Is anyone sus?" I asked.

"Reds sus!" Judah exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table.

"What? You say that every time!" Britney pointed to Judah

"Because red is ALWAYS sus!" Judah explained

"So help me Judah." Britney slammed her hands on the table.

"Okay, okay, that's enough!" I said, putting my arms in between the two. They still glared at each other but backed off. Shiloh gave me a thankful look.

"We don't have enough evidence. I say we skip." Shiloh put her hand up

"Yeah. Skip. Skip. Skip." Practically everyone skipped.

"I still vote red." Judah pointed to Britney

"Mom gave us each another list of tasks so get 'em done." Shiloh handed out task cards.

"And remember there's still two imposters!" Elijah told us.

Elijah looked left then right before running in the direction of his tasks.

I had card swipe again, and apparently so did everyone else. Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration but I did have to queue to swipe my card.

Britney swiped.

"Nailed it." She said before walking off.

I decided to sit down and swipe my card.

"Yes!" I walked off

Then Micah sat down.

"What?! How could you do that on the first time?" Micah shouted after me.

"Just finished watering mom's plant. Easy!" Shiloh said, I walked over to her.

"Oh...um. Shiloh...yeah about that...Eli you tell her." I grabbed Elijah, who was just walking around.

He yelped then almost fell on me. Luckily he stabilised himself and me before we fell.

"Y/n/n...what?" He looked at me confused but realised why I dragged him when I pointed at Shiloh and the plants.

"You mean you finished part one of seven. You have to water the rest." Elijah explained

"This task has seven steps?!?" Shiloh despaired.

"Yep." Elijah nodded before walking off.

"I hate this task." Shiloh muttered.

I walked closer and patted her shoulder.

"Should we buddy?" I asked.

"Sure." Shiloh nodded, before an emergency meeting was called.

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now