You choose

857 11 18

2nd person Pov 

You walked into the Mira HQ, just like Shiloh told you to.

The curtains moved out the way and you were met with the chaos of the ship

"Go, go, go." Judah exclaimed

Judah held an American football and was about to throw it to Daniel, who was running in front of him

Y/n laughed and ran behind them, filming it on her old fashioned camcorder

Shiloh walked around but stopped when she saw you

"Oh, hey!" Shiloh excitedly exclaimed, running up to you

"Thanks for coming by and helping us boat ship the cruise ship. I was-" Shiloh started

She stopped and turned around when Micah burst into the room.

Micah stopped running and looked at her

"I was just playing tag." Micah explained before sprinting away

Shiloh turned back to you.

"Ok, that was kind of weird." Shiloh said

Micah ran back into the room

"Shiloh, have you seen y/n? Eli's looking for her." Micah said

Shiloh turned around to Micah

"Yeah, she was videoing Judah with her new camcorder. I think they went that way." Shiloh pointed to where y/n, Daniel and Judah went.

"Ok, thanks." Micah thanked before running off

"Anyway, I was about to gather everyone and hand out the tasks mum gave us. Let me show you around." Shiloh exclaimed

You followed Shiloh to a different room.

Elijah looked in shock at the cards on the table then back to the person he was playing cards with

"Hey Eli! Look at my new camera!" Y/n excitedly ran over to Elijah

Elijah laughed slightly at y/n's excitement

"Wow. That's so cool." Elijah smiled

It was obvious Elijah didn't know anything about the camera but he was supporting y/n

Y/n gasped, an idea coming to mind

"Eli, pose." 

Y/n laughed at Elijah's pose

Mary jumped forward

"I made pasta!" She exclaimed

Elijah and y/n gasped and flinched back

"I said pasta not IMPOSTOR." Mary explained

"Oh!" Elijah said

Y/n looked up at you and quickly nudged Elijah

Elijah looked confused at y/n before noticing you

"Oh! Hey cyan! So glad you could make it!" Elijah exclaimed

You looked down at your arm and noticed the cyan onesie

"I'm passing out tasks." Shiloh explained 

"Ok." Y/n and Elijah nodded

Shiloh walked off, you following

"You cheated." Elijah turned to his opponent 

Y/n laughed and fiddled with her camera

You and Shiloh walked into a different room

"As you can see-" Shiloh stopped mid sentence when a vent closed behind her

You both turned to the now closed vent

"Did that vent just move?" Shiloh asked you with wide eyes

She looked to the side and gasped

You turned to where Shiloh was looking and saw a table of mess and broccoli

Shiloh ran over to the table

She desperately looked at trying to find words. She lifted up a bottle before reporting the crime

You were teleported to a meeting 

"Where?" Everyone asked, looking at Shiloh

"Someone ate all the food. So now we only have broccoli as a snack!"  Shiloh explained

Everyone gasped

"Even that secret cake we have in the back." Daniel asked

"Even the secret cake." Shiloh sadly said

Everyone gasped again

"Jocelyn's gonna kill whoever did that." Y/n said

Everyone's eyes widened, not wanting to face the wrath of Jocelyn

"Ok, is anyone sus?" Elijah asked, leaning on the table

"Red's sus!" Judah shouted

"So help me Judah! Every time! Every time you do this!" Britney exclaimed

"Because you're sus every time!" Judah explained

"Red is it a lot. I vote red." Daniel explained, pointing to Britney

"Yeah! Yeah!" Judah exclaimed

"Judah's being really quick to accuse people. I think it's him." Jessica pointed to Judah

"Agreed." Elijah pointed to Judah

"I vote skip." Josiah skipped

Mary pointed to Britney

"Shiloh, it's a draw." Y/n explained, voting skip

"Looks like it's up to you. Who do you want to vote for? Do you want to vote red? Or vote orange? Or vote skip?" Shiloh asked you

Elijah watched in worry, desperate to know what you were going to vote for

You looked over to Judah and Britney

"Who do you choose! Good or evil? Light or Darkness? The choice is your-" Judah exclaimed

"Woah, woah, woah. Judah." Y/n stopped him

"I get carried away sometimes." Judah sheepishly said

"It's your choice, vote for who you think is sus." Y/n told you, giving you a small smile

"Y/n's right. We don't have a lot of information, so maybe we should skip. Or Judah was quick to vote Britney, which is kinda sus. But then again, Britney is it a lot of the time." Shiloh explained

For it to make sense, you should go to  chapter 'vote skip', 'vote red', or 'vote orange' depending on what you want to do

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now