Vote Daniel

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You raised your arm and voted for Daniel

"Yes!!! We did it! Thank you for believing me!" Elijah exclaimed as Daniel rubbed the back of his neck

Soon Daniel was thrown off the ship and Elijah was reading from his phone

"And...Daniel was... THE IMPOSTER!!" Elijah read and cheered

"Wow! You did it! You chose the right one and you won! Come on! Let's go celebrate!" Elijah happily exclaimed

You walked into a room and saw everyone dancing

"Hey!" Micah and Judah exclaimed when you walked in 

Everyone started clapping for you and cheering

You walked over to Shiloh

"You were great today. I'm really glad you came and did this with us. We couldn't have done this without you." Shiloh smiled

"Hey y/n." Elijah said, walking over to her

"We got you something." Josiah smiled

Y/n looked confused at them

"Ta da!" Judah did jazz hands as Micah and Jessica came over, holding a new camcorder

Y/n gasped

"Thank you guys so much!" Y/n exclaimed

Micah gave y/n the camcorder and they hugged

Soon everyone was in a massive group hug

"Thank you." Y/n smiled

"Anytime y/n/n." Elijah smiled, ruffling her hair

"Hey!" Y/n laughed, swatting his hands away

Everyone went back to dancing

"Big finish everyone!" Elijah shouted

"Three. Two. One!" Judah counted down

"Cheese!" Y/n exclaimed, running to the front and taking a photo, when everyone had jumped

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now