Go to cams

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You told Shiloh that you wanted to go to cams

"Oh, ok!" Shiloh exclaimed

"It's this way." Shiloh pointed behind her

She talked to you as you walked to cams

"I'm not typically one to sit on cams. But sometimes you can catch someone doing something really sinister...or sometimes just plain dumb." Shiloh explained

You walked for a little longer

Shiloh stopped in her tracks when a siren started blaring and red lights started flashing

"Uh oh. Someone sabotaged the engine!" Shiloh exclaimed, turning to you

"Ah. If we don't fix it quickly. It's gonna...slightly...explode. Very slightly. Big explosion. So ummm... we can either ignore it and just go to cams. Or we can go and fix it." Shiloh worried

"I mean...I'm sure someone will fix it. Right? Or we could go sit on cams and possibly catch the imposter. It's your choice." Shiloh said

You can either switch to chapter 'fix sabotage' or 'ignore Sabotage'

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now