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You pointed to judah, his eyes widening

"Thank you! Good choice!" Britney happily exclaimed

"I understand, sometimes good must lose, so evil may be revealed." Judah cried

Y/n sympathetically patted his shoulder

"Come on guys, let's go!" Elijah ran off to the part of the ship where people get thrown out

"And one." Josiah, Elijah and Micah got ready to throw judah off the ship

"You may not want to look for this part." Judah told you

You turned around to face Shiloh, listening to Judah's advice

"And two, and three." Josiah, Elijah and Micah finished counting

"Don't worry. Carrots float. Let's see if we made the right choice." Shiloh reassured

You followed her to the others

"All right! And...Judah was...not the imposter." Elijah read

Everyone groaned and walked off

"Ok, here are the tasks mum gave us to do while we're boat sitting the cruise ship. So get them done." Shiloh handed out the tasks

You looked down at the paper full of tasks

"And remember there's still one imposter!" Elijah exclaimed

"Only one imposter?" Daniel asked

"Interesting." He said as he walked off

You followed Shiloh for a little bit before turning back. You watched Elijah turn left then right before sprinting off

"Hey, can I take a photo of you? Im learning how to use this and I could use some practice?" Y/n asked

You nodded

"Great, now pose!" Y/n exclaimed

She smiled and took some photos

"Here." Y/n showed you some of the photos she took

You both laughed at the photos

"I'm going to do some tasks, bye Cyan!" She waved before running off

You followed Shiloh and watched as Britney suspiciously looked around before walking away

"So, do you want to go do tasks? Or, Britney was looking pretty sus. Do you want to follow her? We really need to do our tasks. But then again, Judah did really seem to think it was Britney. So, do you wanna follow Britney or do some tasks?" Shiloh asked

You can go to either chapter 'do tasks' or 'follow red' depending on what you want to do

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now