Vote skip

467 8 3

You raised your hand up, voting skip

"Yes, thank you." Josiah said

Judah groaned

You turned to Shiloh 

"Good choice, we don't have much evidence." Shiloh smiled

"Okay, I guess she can stay." Judah crossed his arms

"For now." He quickly added

Britney rolled her eyes and y/n laughed slightly

"Ok, here are the tasks mum gave us to do while we're boat sitting the cruise ship so get them done." Shiloh handed out the cards

You looked down and saw your list of tasks

"And remember there's still one imposter." Elijah exclaimed

"Only one imposter?" Daniel asked

"I know, we've so got this." Y/n happily said

You watched as Daniel and y/n did some sort of handshake 

Shiloh gestured for you to follow her

You turned around and saw Elijah turn left then right before sprinting off 

 You turned and faced forward

"Nice hat by the way!" Mary told you before going to her tasks

You followed Shiloh until she stopped and turned to face you

"So, do you want to come do tasks with me? Or do you want to go over there and we can split up? You might not trust me yet so you might want to go by yourself. Or if you came with me, I could do a task and you could see that I'm safe. So, do you want to split up? Or come do tasks with me?" Shiloh offered

You can go to either chapter 'do tasks' or 'go by yourself' depending on what you want to do

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now