If everything was like among us 9

814 18 24

Y/n Pov

"Come on everybody! Time to get back on the airship! Let's go!" Shiloh lead us to the airship

We all started running to the stairs of the airship

"Nobody better start where I'm starting!" Judah exclaimed, running up the stairs

"Where are you starting?" I asked

"I'm not gonna tell you!" Judah continued

"Well then how am I supposed to know?" Mary asked

"Just don't you dare start there!" Judah exclaimed

"But are we supposed to know?!" Me and Mary shouted to him

3rd person Pov

Daniel was running around the airship when he suddenly stopped

He gasped as he saw the crime, chewed gum on Elijah phone 

Daniel grabbed the phone by the edge and reported the crime

Y/n Pov

"Where?!" We all asked as we were teleported to a meeting

"Someone put their chewed gum on Elijah's phone!" Daniel exclaimed, holding up Elijah phone

We all gasped

"Eww." My nose scrunched up in disgust

"Here's your phone by the way." Daniel gave Elijah his phone back

I sidestepped away from Elijah, not wanting to be near the chewed gum

"No thanks." Elijah looked at the phone in his hand

"I'll get a new one." He muttered

"Is anyone sus?" Shiloh looked around

"Judah. Aren't you gonna say red is sus?" Britney asked, gesturing to William, who was wearing the red onesie

"Nah. I've really matured past that." Judah nodded

I looked slightly confused at him but shrugged it off

"What?! Now you've matured? Now you're going to say red is not sus?!" Britney exclaimed

"Yeah. I'm a really mature person now." Judah shrugged

"Ok guys, I think William is actually sus-" Britney got cut off

"Woah. Woah. Woah. You can't just say someone is sus just because they're wearing the colour red." Judah told Britney

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head to the side

"But...isn't that what you d-" I started to quietly question 

Elijah put a gentle hand on my arm, shaking his head slightly at me. Silently telling me to leave it

"It's really immature Britney." Judah continued

"ARE you serious?!" Britney exclaimed

"Ok, ok! I say-" Shiloh cut the two off before it got out of hand

"Uh-bu-bu-bu." Elijah stopped Shiloh

"Mom says we're not allowed to see what each other's voting." Elijah told us

"Ok." We all shrugged 

We covered our eyes with our hands and voted

"Alright Jocelyn, what did everybody vote?" Micah asked

"They vote skip." Jocelyn said

"Ok, mom gave us each another list of tasks to do while we're on the airship, so get 'em done." Shiloh handed out the task cards

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now