Ask Shiloh

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You told Shiloh that you wanted to ask her a question

"Oh me? Ok." Shiloh shrugged

"I'm pretty much an open book. What would you like to know? Uhhh...who do I think is sus? Am I the imposter? You can ask me anything." Shiloh explained

"Ask her who she thinks is sus." Elijah said

You heard y/n gently smack him

"It's cyans choice." She scolded

"Seriously ask away,  I'll answer." Shiloh said

"Ask her what she had for breakfast. It'd be funny." Micah said

Another gentle smack by y/n

"Really Micah?" An unimpressed y/n asked

You can switch to 'who is sus - Shiloh', 'are you the imposter', 'who is your favourite', 'what did you have for breakfast.'

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now