Stay with Shiloh

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You looked between Shiloh and Jessica for the last time before telling Jessica you want to stay with Shiloh

"We'll hope that goes well for you, good luck." Jessica said as she put up her thumbs and went back down the stairs

Once Jessica was gone, Shiloh turned to you, her task done

"All right, I'm done with my task." Shiloh smiled

Her face turned into one of confusion

"Did you hear something? Weird." Shiloh muttered

She turned back to you

"I'm really glad you're doing tasks with me. Come on!" Shiloh ran off to another room, you following her

You were now doing the trash task

"You can do yours first." Shiloh said, holding a trash can in her hands

You nodded and poured the rubbish in the trash can into the bin

A noise told you that the task was done and Shiloh started pouring her trash into the bin

"Hey look! It's Jessica's fortnight skills!" Micah laughed as he jumped out of nowhere. He was pointing to the trash

Shiloh turned to him, unimpressed

"Seriously, you're gonna make a joke about someone who isn't even here?" Shiloh asked

"No, no you're right. I should go tell her!" Micah planned, running off

Shiloh finished pouring her trash into the bin

Once she was finished, she looked confused at the bin. She bent down and grabbed a bag

"A half-eaten Doritos bag?" Shiloh asked, looking at the bag.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Micah came running back into the room

"Those are mine and y/n's. We're not done with those." Micah grabbed the bag and walked off

"Now that that's done. Where should we go do our tasks next?" Shiloh asked, putting the trash can down

"Elijah and Mary are in the plant room. I'm pretty sure josiah is in electrical. Jessica and Micah are on the balcony. And y/n...y/n could be anywhere, especially since she wants to take as many photos and videos as she can." Shiloh explained

"Or...we could go to cams and possibly see the imposter." Shiloh smirked

"It's your choice, they're all good options." Shiloh smiled

Switch to the chapter 'go to electrical', 'go to plant room', 'go to balcony', or 'go to cams'

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now