If everything was like among us 6

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3rd person Pov

Shiloh sat down and poured some lucky charms into a bowl

She gasped when she realised there was no marshmallows, Shiloh looked in the box but there was still no marshmallows.

She reported the crime

Y/n Pov

"Where? Where?" Everyone asked as Shiloh reported a meeting

"Someone ate the marshmallows out of the lucky charms! And now it's just the boring wheat things!" Shiloh explained

Everyone gasped

Josiah gasped again

"Y/n?" He asked in shock

"Yeah" I confusedly said

"You switched colours?" He asked

Everyone gasped

"Who are you and what have you done to y/n/n?" Judah pointed his finger at me

"Judah, it's me." I moved his finger away from my face

"Tell me something only the real y/n/n would know" Judah still didn't believe me

"Last week, you thought a ghost made your toast." I rolled my eyes

"I didn't put the bread in, YOU didn't put the bread in!" Judah defended

Everyone turned to him

"What?" He asked

Elijah rolled his eyes

"Why did you change colours, y/n/n?" Elijah asked

'Because I thought that maybe if I change colours I could be the imposter.' My thoughts wanted to tell him

"Why not?" I shrugged

"Fair point. Yeah. Never thought of it like that." Everyone nodded

"Anyone sus?" Elijah asked

We all turned to Judah

"Judah, is anyone sus?" Daniel asked

"Nope! Nope, no one's sus today." Judah said

"Not even red?" Micah asked

"Reds not even like a little bit sus?" I asked

"No. No. Red isn't sus." Judah was pained to say that

He turned around and screamed into his arm

My eyes widened, Judah and Britney were the imposters

'This is gonna be fun.' my thoughts told me

Everyone looked at Judah weirdly

"I'm good." Judah said

"That's weird." Shiloh commented

"Since we don't have any evidence, I say we skip!" Shiloh told us

"Skip! Skip. Skip." Everyone skipped

Judahs arm rose and pointed to Britney. Judah used his other hand to hold the arm down

"Can someone move my arm to skip please?" Judah asked

I sighed, leant over and moved his arm up

"You're a good friend." Judah nodded to me

I nodded, not knowing what to do

"Mom gave us each a list of tasks to do while we're boat-sitting the cruise ship! So get 'em done!" Shiloh exclaimed, handing out task cards

"And remember there's still three imposters!" Elijah shouted

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now