If among us had 0 imposters

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Y/n = your name

Y/n/n = your nickname

Y/n Pov

Me and Shiloh happily opened up the curtains that separated our rooms.

We both peacefully yawned

We went to the meeting table

"Here are the tasks that mom gave us." Shiloh started, handing out the task cards

Everyone happily skipped away when they were given their task card

"Take as long as you want, there are no imposters today!" I happily finished

"Yes! Wooo!" Daniel cheered

We all happily skipped around, doing our tasks

Judah and Micah carried a tray which had Shiloh sat on

Aislinn started throwing rose petals everywhere

"Why can't it be like this normally?" I asked

"I know right!" I heard Micah shout back to me

I turned around and saw josiah pushing a stack of chairs with Elijah on them

Josiah stopped and Elijah fell off the stack of chairs

I started giggling and Elijah looked up at me

He smirked and grabbed my legs, pulling me down with him

We both started laughing

I got up and saw Josiah spraying a window

Josiah looked around for a cloth.

He gently tapped Micah's shoulder and told him to come over

Micah walked forward and Josiah pushed him against the window, using Micah as a cloth

I laughed slightly and looked up at Elijah

"What are they doing?" He asked me

"I don't know but please tell me you're recording this." I answered

"I think Josiah is using Micah as a cloth." Shiloh explained, coming up next to us

"Uh, nobody's answered my question." I looked at Elijah

"Yes, y/n/n, yes I'm recording and I'm making copies. Lots of copies." Elijah happily answered, holding up his phone

(A.N: That but might be a reference to something...might not.)

We all were in the kitchen, passing plates to each other

I giggled slightly as Josiah grabbed me and passed me down the line

An emergency meeting was called

"What?" I asked at the meeting

"There are no imposters. I just got lonely." Micah explained

"I can get Jocelyn, if you really want." I smirked up at Micah

"I am no longer lonely." Micah said

"Can we vote on Judah?" Britney asked, pointing at Judah

"What? Why?" Judah asked

"I don't know. I just thought it'd be funny." Britney said

We all started laughing and agreeing

Everyone voted Judah

Judah shouted as he got thrown of the ship

We all partied and danced

We all jumped up

"Yeah, we need to go find some imposters." Micah said

"Yeah, definitely." We all agreed

We walked off, trying to find some imposters

"This is boring." Josiah commented

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now