If everything was like among us *bloopers 4*

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Y/n Pov

"Come on guys! The imposters coming! Uh! Hide, hide, hide!" Me, Jocelyn, Micah, Judah, Elijah and Mary all ran

We stopped at the pictures of us and looked around for somewhere to hide

Instantly, we started to pose like the photos of us

Micah quickly gave me Jocelyn and we posed

Daniel ran to us, looked around before running off again

We all burst into laughter, breaking our poses


Micah and Alessandra were running through the kitchen

Alessandra slid across the floor, causing us to laugh slightly

Micah offered his hand to Alessandra 


"Yeah! Haha!" We all laughed uncontrollably 

I looked around and saw that no one actually knew what they were doing, causing us to laugh more

"That was too hammy." Mary commented

"Was that a little too hammy?" Daniel asked

We all started laughing again


"Where?" Everyone asked

Shiloh gasped but coughed slightly

"Sorry." She apologised, smiling

"She choked! And now it's down to three of us!" Daniel exclaimed

Elijah put his thumb up


"Where?" Everyone asked as they were teleported to the meeting

"Someone put a-" Shiloh tried

"Uh-Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu." Elijah stopped her

"I'm about to win this whole game." Elijah informed

"Imposters-say-what?" He quickly said

"What?" Judah, Alessandra and Mary asked

"Ohhhhh! Yeah! We got them!" We all exclaimed

Elijah was banging on the table, Shiloh was cheering and Ruthie was pointing to Mary and Judah

We voted them out and started partying


"Can I unzip your head?" Jocelyn asked, looking at the zip on Mary's head

Mary leant closer so Jocelyn could reach

Jocelyn unzipped the zip

"Ooh!" She exclaimed, her face dropping

I burst out laughing

Jocelyn had taken the actual zipper bit off so Mary just had a zip stuck to her head

"She unzipped my entire head." Mary showed us the zip on her head

We all started laughing harder


"Yes! I got cell phone reception!" Daniel exclaimed

He looked down and realised he was stood on the very top of the airship

"Now how do I get down from here?" Daniel asked himself

"Guess I'll just..." 

Daniel sat down and slid off the airship

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