Follow orange

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You told Shiloh you wanted to follow Judah

"Good call. Judah is usually up to something." Shiloh nodded

"Come on." Shiloh gestured for you to follow her

You snuck into a small corridor

"I'm pretty sure he went this way." Shiloh whispered 

You watched as Judah looked around before sprinting off, still not seeing you and Shiloh

"Ok, Judah is definitely up to something." Shiloh said

"Three. Two. One." Shiloh counted down

You and Shiloh both ran into a room with Micah, Judah and y/n

"We're the greatest crewmates! We're the greatest crewmates!" Micah and Judah sang

Y/n laughed and videoed it on her camcorder

Y/n looked over to you and her eyes widened

"Boys. Boys. Boys." She said, nudging them

Micah looked confused at her but continued singing

Y/n sighed and walked over to you and Shiloh

"Give them a minute." She said

"Woah-woah-woah." Micah stopped singing, looking at you. Judah stopped as well

The two boys crossed their arms and tried to play cool

"W-w-w-watch a doing here cyan?" Micah asked

"And Shiloh." Judah added

"We were just doing our greatest crewmate task?" Micah badly lied

"Yeah. Yeah. That's what that was." Judah nodded

"We gotta go." Micah said, saving themselves embarrassment 

"Go, go, go." Judah muttered, pushing Micah forward

The two boys linked their arms with y/n and pulled her out the room

"Bye Shiloh! Bye cyan!" You heard y/n yell from where Micah and Judah were dragging her

"Oh, bye y/n." Shiloh called after the girl

Shiloh stepped in front of you

"I'm really sorry you had to see that." Shiloh apologised 

"Oh, I have a task right here. I'll be done in just a second, hang tight." Shiloh told you

She bent down and did her task

You looked down the staircase and saw Jessica

"We don't know if Shiloh's the imposter and if you come with me I can help you win." Jessica whispered to you

You looked to Shiloh

"I'm almost done." Shiloh called out

"Come on. Are you going to choose to stay with Shiloh? Or sneak off with me? It would be fun if you came with me." Jessica quietly asked

"I'll be there in a sec." Shiloh called again

"Come on. What do you choose?" Jessica asked

Switch to chapter 'follow Jessica' or 'stay with Shiloh'

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now