Don't report

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You looked at your siren before swatting your arm and putting it away

You looked up and Micah, Daniel and Elijah all came running into the room

They all gasped when they saw you standing on the crime

"Did you just commit that crime right there?" Micah asked

You shook your head

"No? Don't deny it!" Micah slumped

"Imma go push the button." Elijah walked off

"We literally see you standing over the crime, right there!" Micah exclaimed

You waved your hands in front of your face, trying to show your innocent

"We're not stupid! Stop! We see you. You have the chance to report it and you didn't. Why you didn't we'll never know. Probably some like imposter thing, because you're the imposter because you did the crime! Sorry, you're sus now and we're gonna vote you out. Bye-bye." Micah explained and waved

(That bit got me laughing so hard for no reason 🤣)

Elijah called the emergency meeting

You were all teleported to the meeting where Elijah, Daniel and Micah instantly voted you. Shiloh voted skip and y/n voted Daniel

"Let's get 'em!" Daniel exclaimed

You were about to get thrown off the ship

"I mean. I know know you're not did but I can see how standing over the crime scene would look sus. Whoopsie?" Shiloh explained 

You then got thrown of the side of the boat, closing your eyes before you hit the water

You opened them and climbed up the ladder, back onto the boat

You walked over to the others who were thrown out

"Oh, hi." Josiah said, giving you a towel

"I always say 'always report the crime.'" Josiah explained

"You always say 'never pick your nose in public.'" Judah smiled

"Eww." Jessica said

"True." Josiah nodded

"But I also say 'always report the crime.' You can do it next time. Try again." He smiled 

You can switch back to chapter 'you choose' to start again

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now