If everything was like among us *bloopers 2*

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Y/n = your name

Y/n/n = your nickname

Y/n Pov

"Ah! I'm always orange! Give it up!" Judah exclaimed, bumping into Daniel

Judah was in a black onesie, Daniel in an orange one

"What?! You can't claim a colour!" Daniel crossed his arms

"Too bad it's my colour!" Judah exclaimed

"Judah! Why don't you just be yellow?" I asked

"That's not orange!" Judah told me

"I'M TRYING!!" I exclaimed

"How come your always light green!" Judah said

"Oh. That's because everyone is scared of y/n, just don't try to take y/n's colour. Plus no one can fit into y/n's onesie, she's tiny." Elijah said, walking over

"Hey! I'm not that small." I whacked Elijah head

Daniel ran and Judah chased after him

Elijah messed up my hair

"Hey!" I laughed, trying to get his hands to stop

Micah started laughing and he joined in

"Okay! Where is David? Why is he always late?" Shiloh asked

Me, Elijah and Micah instantly turned our attention to her, we stood in a line

Discreetly, one of us would put our hand up and mess with someone else's hair

"Sorry I'm late guys traffic is crazy." David walked in

"Finally!" We all exclaimed

"Wait I wanna change my-" Micah said but the game already started


"Okay! Someone used the last of the toilet paper roll. And didn't finish!" Shiloh explained

We all gasped

"What?" Shiloh realised

"Wait, didn't finish?" Elijah asked

I started laughing

"Shiloh!" I laughed

"Eww." We all laughed


We all voted William and started laughing


"He...was." Elijah said

We threw a snowball at him.

"Oh wow. I didn't even move on that one." Elijah said


Jocelyn dropped and smashed a mug

Micah turned around and gasped

"I am imposter!" Jocelyn exclaimed

"Noooooooooooo!" Micah fell to his knees

"I sorry." Jocelyn covered her eyes

"You were my mini crewmate." Micah cried

We all laughed

Micah screamed and fell onto the floor

I ran over to Jocelyn and put her on my shoulders

"We're the greatest imposters! We're the greatest imposters!" We both sang

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now