If water fights had mods

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Y/n = your name

Y/n/n = your nickname

F/s = favourite song

You might also want to read the doors chapter first so the whistling part makes sense

Once again, I'm sorry for the long wait. I will try and get the next chapters done quicker but I can't promise anything, I'm really sorry.

Y/n Pov

We were in blue base and we're each given roles

Daniel was a scout.

Micah was demolitions

Michelle was a sniper

Judah was an engineer

Elijah was a medic

Shiloh was heavy weapons

I managed to get two roles and I have a small idea on how it happened

Although she denies it, I think Jocelyn threatened them as the people who gave us our roles were scared to even go near me

I was a ghost and a supplier.

Ghost meant I could blend and camouflage into any backgrounds

Supplier meant I could give my team more ammunition and could make weapons

"Our mission is to infiltrate the enemies base and capture their intelligence." Shiloh exclaimed, pacing in front of us as we prepared

"And stop them from taking ours." Micah continued, standing next to Shiloh.

Micah took a few steps to the side and revealed a computer-screen thingy. I don't know what it was but it looked cool

"Where is their intelligence?" Daniel asked

"We don't know." Shiloh said

"If I have the most intelligence does that mean they'll be targeting me first?" Judah asked

Me and Michelle looked confusedly at him

"Yes." Micah nodded

"No no! Intelligence is a set of key computer codes which allows them- moving on" Shiloh tried to explain, she stopped when she realised no one would understand

"Who are these guys?" Elijah asked

"It's banshee." Shiloh said (I don't know what she actually said but this is what it sounded like to me)

Me and Elijah looked worriedly at each other

Micah prepared his water gun

"Load up!" Micah shouted

"Each of you will have a role to play with a particular set of skills, use them!" Micah shouted as we grabbed our guns

Shiloh opened a cupboard and inside was a massive gun with a water tank you could put on your back

"Kinda looks if ghostbusters had water guns and upgraded themselves." I commented

Shiloh turned to me unimpressed

"What? Just saying." I put my arms up in surrender.

I walked back over to everyone else

Elijah put a towel on his belt.

Judah picked up a wrench, almost hitting me in the head with it

"Wow. Watch where you flinging that thing." I said, moving my head so the wrench didn't hit me

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now