Ask Daniel

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You looked from Shiloh to Daniel

"Uh, me? Ok, I guess." Daniel looked shocked that you asked him but shrugged and agreed

"What do you want to know? I mean, ask whatever you want. I can answer." Daniel explained

"You should ask him how he's feeling." Elijah said

Y/n gently smacked him

"Ow! What was that for?" Elijah quietly asked

"It's cyans choice, they can ask him whatever they like." Y/n replied

"I mean I'm a pretty good detective. I have like a 900 IQ." Daniel smiled

Y/n clearly facepalmed

"You could ask him who he thinks is sus." Shiloh offered

"Yeah you can ask whatever you want. I'm happy to answer." Daniel told you

You can switch to chapters 'who is sus - Daniel', 'where were you - Daniel', 'how are you feeling', or 'who is your favourite youtuber'

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