If everything was like among us *bloopers 3*

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Y/n = your name

Y/n/n = your nickname

Y/n Pov 

"Do it! Do it!" We all chanted at Jocelyn who was on Micah's shoulders

"No!" Micah said 

Jocelyn licked her finger and shoved it into Micah's ear

"Ah!" Micah shouted

We all shouted with him and started laughing

"You're gross!" Micah exclaimed


Judah danced, rehearsing his red is sus bit

He then made direct eye contact with me, my eyes widened as I tried not to laugh at Judah's dancing

We all laughed


"Where? Where?" We all asked as an emergency meeting was called

Josiah ran his hand through his hair as if he just woke up

I looked down and realised josiah was in his pyjamas and dressing gown

I looked confused at him

"So..." Elijah exclaimed, looking around

He stopped when he saw Josiah

"Oh! Oh!" Elijah exclaimed, covering his eyes

"Oh! Ew!" Everyone exclaimed

Micah covered my eyes but I walked to the side without him noticing

"You gotta warn me before we do these!" Josiah exclaimed, wrapping his dressing gown tightly around him

"Where's my onesie?" Josiah asked

"In the washer." Me and Elijah said, I pointed to the room

"Thank you." Josiah thanked, running to the washer


"Josiah!" Shiloh exclaimed, calling a meeting

Shiloh started coughing

"She's coughing!" Elijah exclaimed

"Quick! Anybody know a doctor?" Josiah said, grabbing her

Shiloh started laughing and I joined

"Oh no! Y/n's dying as well!" Elijah exclaimed

The two boys pushed us together, they hugged both of us

Me and shiloh kept laughing


"High five Jocelyn!" Elijah said, putting his hand up to Jocelyn who was on Micah's shoulder

Jocelyn put her face in Elijah hand  

"What?" Elijah exclaimed

Jocelyn smiled and started laughing with me

"You high five with your face?" Elijah exclaimed

"She's my sister. What made you think she would be remotely normal?" I asked as I walked up to the two

Jocelyn gently put her hand on my head and I laughed

Elijah laughed and shook his head


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