If among us had 9 imposters

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Y/n Pov

An emergency meeting was called

"Where?" Everyone asked

"Someone drank all of the juice and then put the bottle back in the fridge empty." Mary explained

Everyone gasped before laughing

I laughed with them, not knowing what else to do, but Elijah looked confused at everyone

Elijah awkwardly started laughing

"Yeah okay! That was me! I was just proud of it, wanted to tell you guys!" Mary admitted

"Nice one!" Micah smiled

"Hey anyone know who the crewmate is?" Micah happily asked

I looked up at him, head tilted to the side in slight confusion

"What?" Micah asked

"You seem very happy today." I said

"I am very happy. One, there is barely any crewmates so we are obviously gonna win. Two, I don't have Jocelyn on my shoulders and we are SO gonna win." Micah happily explained

I nodded, seeing his reasoning

"Wait. Where is Jocelyn?" Shiloh asked

"Oh, we thought that if we brung her she would go crazy like she did last time she was imposter." Me and Micah explained

Everyone nodded.

"So, anyone know who the crewmate is?" Micah asked again

"No. Bummer." We all shook our heads

"I'm sorry...THE crewmate?" Elijah confusedly asked

'Of course. Elijah would be the crewmate. I'm not actually surprised.' My thoughts said

"Yeah! There are nine imposters and two crewmates!" Josiah explained

"WHAT?! I thought there was only one crewmate!" Micah exclaimed

"No. There's two." Josiah said back to him

"Oh..." Micah groaned

"We're still gonna win though." I encouraged

"Yeah." Micah seemed happy with the answer

"Yeah we gotta get the crewmates!" Daniel explained

"Yeah. Yeah." We all agreed

"Haha." Elijah awkwardly nodded

"I knew that." Elijah nodded, it was clearly obvious he had no idea that there were 9 imposters

It took everything in my willpower to not facepalm

Judah gasped and pointed to Britney

I jumped slightly, not expecting the sudden movement

Micah and Elijah worriedly looked at me. I smiled at them, reassuring that I was ok

"Your hat stinks." Judah said

"Okay so. Does anybody-" Britney tried

"You look like a giant tomato." Judah cut her off

"Judah, we're all imposters. So I chose the evilest thing I could imagine." Britney explained

"A tomato? The evilest thing you could imagine was a tomato?" Judah asked

"No Judah. I'm you." Britney explained

"I'm not a tomato." Judah pointed out

I stifled a laugh at how oblivious Judah was

"Anyway let's skip." Micah exclaimed

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